Silent No More Awareness, an organization that compiles the testimonies of women who regret their abortions, released a collection of stories from...
Silent No More, an organization that compiles the testimonies of post-abortive women, has released a document containing the testimonies of women who...
Silent No More, a group that gathers the testimonies of women who regret their abortions, put out a collection of women’s testimonies...
Today a video released by the Center for Medical Progress shows Planned Parenthood employees picking apart the body of an 11-week-old aborted...
From the mother of a child with Down Syndrome: I hate the thought that there will be fewer people with Down syndrome...
Jill Stanek is a well-known pro-life blogger and activist who first became active in the pro-life movement when she exposed the practice...
Late-term abortionist Dr. Warren Hern, who performs abortions in the second and third trimester in Boulder, Colorado, wrote an editorial some time...
An author whose father was an abortion provider did research on abortion clinics. He said the following: But the opponents’ claim that...
Abortionist turned pro-lifer, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, described how patient care was compromised in the abortion clinic he ran because physicians were seeking...
Carol Everett was the director of four abortion clinics and the owner of two. She was eventually driven from the abortion industry...
In a graphic and moving article for LifeSiteNews, former Planned Parenthood clinic director, Abby Johnson, wrote to Planned Parenthood Senior Director of Medical...
Ninety percent of babies who test positive for Down syndrome in the womb are tragically aborted. One father of a living child with Down...
Pro-choice author Carole Joffe interviewed abortion clinic workers for a book she was writing. The workers acknowledged that Margaret Sanger, birth control crusader and...
In 2008, the Reproductive Rights Action League (RALY) at Yale held an abortion workshop to commemorate Roe v. Wade. It was also...