A nurse practitioner is suing her former workplace, a Planned Parenthood clinic in Chula Vista, California, after being terminated from her job. She...
In an article in the American Medical News, Diane Gianelli discusses a National Abortion Federation workshop for abortion providers. The workshop was about abortionists’ and clinic...
In her book “Abortion & Life,” pro-abortion author Jennifer Baumgardner quotes Loretta Ross, the then-national coordinator of the pro-choice organization SisterSong: Women of...
In a 1997 article from Salon magazine, one abortionist is reported as saying: What makes me angry is people who aren’t being careful about...
Chicks on the Right published an anonymous letter from a post-abortive woman. It is one more story showing how abortion scars women....
A pro-life nurse told the following story: I’m a registered nurse, have always been pro-life, but one of the most concerning things...
Late-term abortionist Dr. Warren Hern, who performs abortions in the second and third trimesters in his clinic in Boulder, Colorado, wrote an editorial...
A woman decided to have a late-term abortion because the baby had spina bifida, and would likely be in a wheelchair. Some techniques...
I’ll never forget delivering her nearly two pound baby, and hearing her screams, “My baby’s alive, my baby’s alive.” It lived several...
Clinic worker “Diana” was comfortable with handling late-term aborted babies until she saw one with hair: Sterile room is so fast-paced. And...
In the United States, the Born Alive Infant Protection Act requires abortionists and staff to give medical care to a child accidentally born...
The British publication The Guardian just published an article entitled, “Being an abortion doctor has taught me a lot about life.” In...
An abortion doctor named David Peters made the following creepy comment in a 2013 article about clinic regulations: I can stick needles...
Journalist Frank Main wrote an article about an abortion clinic and interviewed its administrator, Esther McGuire. He says: Women seeking abortions must walk...