Among pro-lifers, it is well-known that many women suffer emotionally after their abortions. A previous Live Action article about post-abortion women and suicide mentioned...
In the prolife movement, there have been a number of dedicated and outspoken activists who are former employees of Planned Parenthood. Just...
How many times have you heard a pro-abortion person say that abortion should be rare? The oft-repeated words, notably spoken by pro-abortion...
H.R. 36, a bill banning abortions after 20 weeks, except in cases of rape or incest, has passed the U.S. House, and...
Pro-abortion author Rosalind Pollack Petchesky writes about how poor minority women are sometimes pressured to have abortions: Especially in locales with large...
The essay “Products of Conception” is a first-hand account from a nurse who worked in a hospital that did abortions. It appeared...
Last month I wrote about Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff in Roe v. Wade who went on to work in abortion clinics before...
Pro-choice author Janet Hadley says the following about the activists that originally campaigned to make abortion legal: [S]ome of the original campaigners...
In the years before Roe v. Wade, pro-abortion activists worked on the state level to legalize abortion. Several states revised their abortion...
Norma McCorvey is primarily known as “Jane Roe” from the U.S. Supreme Court case, Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion across the country. McCorvey, who...
It should have been a routine abortion in the early second trimester. The woman was having her ninth abortion, as former Serbian...
Late-term abortions are horrific, and they take their toll on those who witness and perform them. Some facility workers come to terms with...
A clinic worker interviewed by pro-abortion author Wendy Simonds wrote about how looking at the faces of late term aborted babies bothers her....
Pro-choice author Jennifer Baumgardner, who started the t-shirt campaign “I Had An Abortion” told the story of an abortion patient in her...