Former abortion clinic worker Carol Everett wrote a book about her time in the abortion industry. In this passage, she is describing...
Pictures of aborted babies, when used with care and discretion, can be powerful pro-life tools. They can be credited with many pro-choice...
On her blog “RealChoice,” Christina Dunigan quotes a pro-choice columnist who received a letter from a nurse named Kay. Kay works in an...
The sibling of an aborted baby wrote the following: When I was 18 my mother told me about her abortion… I was...
In a Facebook post last month, former abortion clinic administrator Abby Johnson gave a horrific description of one of her duties at...
Pro-choice writer Wendy Simonds interviewed abortionists and clinic workers for her book, Abortion at Work: Ideology and Practice in a Feminist Clinic. She...
Author Nancy Day quotes abortionist Ed Jones (pseudonym), who had worked at Planned Parenthood for four years at the time of the...
K Kaufmann wrote a book called The Abortion Resource Handbook, which is meant to guide women through their abortion decisions. It is...
In book on postabortion regret by Melinda Tankard Reist , an Australian woman identified as Genevieve describes the “counseling” she received in...
Abortion clinic worker “Celia” discusses late-term abortion. Her clinic injects Digoxin into the hearts of the babies before dismembering them: It’s going...
From former clinic worker Catherine Adair: One of my jobs as a medical assistant at Planned Parenthood was to clean the room in...
Victims and Victors is a book that contains interviews of rape victims who became pregnant. Some aborted; some carried their babies to...
A pro-choice feminist who observed abortions at a busy abortion clinic for her book Abortion at Work: Ideology and Practice in a...
On a pro-choice website, an abortionist identified only as Lynne V discusses her job at the abortion chain Cedar River Clinics. Cedar...