On her blog “RealChoice,” Christina Dunigan quotes a pro-choice columnist who received a letter from a nurse named Kay. Kay works in an...
The sibling of an aborted baby wrote the following: When I was 18 my mother told me about her abortion… I was...
In a Facebook post last month, former abortion clinic administrator Abby Johnson gave a horrific description of one of her duties at...
Pro-choice writer Wendy Simonds interviewed abortionists and clinic workers for her book, Abortion at Work: Ideology and Practice in a Feminist Clinic. She...
Author Nancy Day quotes abortionist Ed Jones (pseudonym), who had worked at Planned Parenthood for four years at the time of the...
K Kaufmann wrote a book called The Abortion Resource Handbook, which is meant to guide women through their abortion decisions. It is...
In book on postabortion regret by Melinda Tankard Reist , an Australian woman identified as Genevieve describes the “counseling” she received in...
Abortion clinic worker “Celia” discusses late-term abortion. Her clinic injects Digoxin into the hearts of the babies before dismembering them: It’s going...
From former clinic worker Catherine Adair: One of my jobs as a medical assistant at Planned Parenthood was to clean the room in...
Victims and Victors is a book that contains interviews of rape victims who became pregnant. Some aborted; some carried their babies to...
A pro-choice feminist who observed abortions at a busy abortion clinic for her book Abortion at Work: Ideology and Practice in a...
On a pro-choice website, an abortionist identified only as Lynne V discusses her job at the abortion chain Cedar River Clinics. Cedar...
There is a great deal of evidence that unborn babies feel pain, at least by 20 weeks and beyond. But one doctor...
Abortion clinic workers often try to hide the reality of the abortion procedure from the patients they meet. In one particular abortion clinic, the...