In an article in The Washington Post, Arizona abortionist Gabrielle Goodrick talks about the new abortion restrictions in Arizona and how they...
Patricia Launneborg’s book Abortion: a Positive Decision is a difficult book for a pro-lifer to read. As the title indicates, it presents...
A clinic worker talks about changing attitudes about abortion due to ultrasound: A lot of it is the politics around ultrasound, I...
In an article in Harper’s Magazine, abortion clinic worker Sallie Tisdale says: I have fetus dreams, we all do here: dreams of...
The director of nursing at one abortion clinic describes how, every once in a while, a woman coming in for an abortion...
I have previously written about the emotional impact abortion can have on abortionists and clinic workers. In one article, I quoted a...
Live Action contributor Lauren Enriquez wrote an article a week ago about pro-choice author Magda Denes. Denes, who survived Nazi Germany, held...
Former Planned Parenthood facility worker Catherine Anthony Adair went public with her story of working at an abortion mill. In an interview...
An anonymous abortionist talks about the difference between doing a D&E to remove a dead baby from a miscarriage and performing an elective abortion:...
From an author who observed women come and go at a busy abortion clinic: The core of the pro-choice trench [the escorts]...
Charles L. Bosk, a writer and researcher, spent time in a pediatric hospital where doctors and nurses took care of disabled and/or...
In an article in Florida Today, abortionist Patricia Baird-Windle had some things to say about her work: I now consider abortion to be a...
Sometimes pro-choice activists say things that show they are completely out of touch with reality. On my website Clinicquotes, I have a...
From pro-choice author Melody Rose: The images and language most often wielded by pro-life advocates are vivid and emotional… recent developments in...