Sometimes pro-choice activists say things that show they are completely out of touch with reality. On my website Clinicquotes, I have a...
From pro-choice author Melody Rose: The images and language most often wielded by pro-life advocates are vivid and emotional… recent developments in...
An article in the book The Abortion Controversy has a disturbing quote by a pro-choice activist: In 1989, the Miami Herald ran a story...
Dr. Julius Butler, then professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Minnesota Medical School, said the following about abortionists: Remember, there...
A nurse from a Seattle abortion clinic said the following at a meeting of abortion providers where they discussed the emotional impact...
From a former abortion clinic worker, Rayna Rapp, who is still pro-choice: Many minority women, even if they are not poor, cannot count...
In an article in the Washington Post, author Hanna Rosin quotes abortion provider Kathy Rogers saying: [RU-486 is] not just a pill;...
Pro-choice author Magda Denes witnessed abortions for her book In Necessity and Sorrow: Life and Death Inside an Abortion Hospital. Her book was...
From an article in The Journal of Clinical Nursing: Second trimester terminations require the woman concerned to go through an induced labour,...
Monica Migliorino Miller and several other pro-lifers set up a display of aborted babies outside the abortion clinic where they were found....
When legislation came before Congress that would’ve banned abortions done because the baby was the “wrong” gender, pro-choicers fell all over themselves to...
Margaret A. Woodbury, a writer for Salon magazine, describes two abortions that she witnessed in an abortion clinic. The first abortion was done...
From one woman who had an abortion: You could hear crying in the holding room… crying of women who already had the...
Merle Hoffman, who co-founded and ran an abortion clinic for many years, talks about sexist remarks several of her abortion doctors made to patients:...