Dr. Beverly McMillan is a former abortionist who left the abortion business. She spoke at a conference sponsored by the Pro-Life Action...
Eclipse of Reason is a graphic and deeply disturbing documentary put together by the late Dr. Bernard Nathanson, former abortionist-turned-pro-lifer who also...
David C. Reardon interviewed many women who had abortions for his book Aborted Women: Silent No More. This powerful book contains heartbreaking...
This article is the second in a series I’m going to be writing highlighting testimonies from clinic workers and abortion doctors that...
In December 2004, Boston magazine published an article from an anonymous abortion provider. The doctor, whose name, location and gender were not...
My pro-life website has quotes from abortionists and pictures of aborted babies. On the pages with the pictures of aborted babies, I have...
In an article I wrote back in March, I spoke about the pressure that doctors often put on the parents of disabled...
In 2009, Christian author Randy Alcorn updated his book “Pro-life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments” Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments is a powerful...
In 2005, the Los Angeles Times ran a story by Stephanie Simon entitled “Offering Abortion, Rebirth.” Simon interviewed an abortion provider named...
Pro-choice activists are up in arms over the new law in Texas that requires abortionists to have admitting privileges at local hospitals....
On November 4, The Students for Life of America blog posted an article about Mom Baby God a pro-abortion play that was...
I read a quote today in from clinic worker Marva Sadler, who works at Whole Woman’s Health Clinic of Fort Worth. She...
In an article here about Reproductive Services of Harlingten, an abortion clinic in Texas, an abortionist declares that if not for pro-lifers keeping...
I recently read an account from a 17-year-old who was 24 weeks pregnant and was pressured by abortion clinic workers to abort...