In an article here about Reproductive Services of Harlingten, an abortion clinic in Texas, an abortionist declares that if not for pro-lifers keeping...
I recently read an account from a 17-year-old who was 24 weeks pregnant and was pressured by abortion clinic workers to abort...
RU-486, the abortion pill, is offered to women who are less than nine weeks pregnant. When it first became available in the...
There have always been those who support abortion for racist reasons. Though the majority of pro-choice people do not fall into this...
In my research on the abortion issue, I have come across many statements from abortionists and clinic workers. Some of the most...
According to a poll done in 2011, 59% of Americans believe that abortion is wrong. A similar poll commissioned by the Knights of...
Pro-Choice groups and organizations such as Planned Parenthood maintain that abortion is beneficial to women. They claim that women do not have...
On September 29, Live Action writer Cassy Fiano talked about an article in which late-term abortionist Susan Robinson said that abortion providers...
A few days ago, Live Action posted an open letter to clinic workers written by Kristi Burton Brown. She gave a heartfelt...
On June 27, 2013, Live Action ran a story about late-term abortionist Shelley Sella and the allegations of infanticide leveled against her...
In an article on Care2 entitled “Pregnant Teens are Just Political Pawns to Anti-Abortion Activists,” a pro-choice author blasts pro-lifers for filing...
Peter Korn spent a year observing abortions and interviewing patients at an abortion clinic for his book Lovejoy: A Year in the...
A recent interview with late-term abortionist Dr. Susan Robinson in The Hairpin casts some light on the controversial practice of third-trimester abortion. Even many...
I recently stumbled across the testimony of Dr. Grant Clark. Dr. Clark performed abortions many years ago in California. In an interview...