Yesterday, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signed into law new protections for babies born alive during abortion. According to the Arizona Capitol Times,...
The Courier-Journal reported yesterday that Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin has “ordered the EMW Women’s Surgical Center in Louisville to stop providing abortions starting...
Four Illinois Democratic state representatives from Chicago have sponsored a state bill that could create not only a ‘bubble zone’ around abortion...
…[I]magine saying to Civil Rights advocates in the 1960s, “How can you say that you are for Civil Rights when there are...
A new birth control app, developed by nuclear physicist Elina Berglund Scherwitzl, has just become “the first internationally recognized method of non-hormonal contraception,”...
With all the talk of defunding Planned Parenthood and in turn routing that half a billion dollars annually to Federally Qualified Health...
From Students for Life of America comes a new video which counters Planned Parenthood’s claims (and complaints) that taxpayer funding doesn’t pay for...
On March 3, Operation Rescue reported that a Planned Parenthood center in Chicago put 911 dispatchers on hold for 25 seconds after staff...
Last week, the Susan B. Anthony List released a new ad about Planned Parenthood, urging Congress to defund the abortion giant and...
At, cartoonist Adam Ford muses about what a mother might tell her daughter about her pregnancy… that is, if she spoke...
Carmel Teens for Life, a pro-life student group at Carmel High School in Carmel, Indiana, won in its efforts to hang a pro-adoption...
A zoning board made up of five local residents in Raleigh, North Carolina, has denied A Hand of Hope pro-life pregnancy center its request...
One of my all-time favorite lecturers was Sarah Weddington, the attorney who successfully argued the Roe v. Wade decision. She was articulate, gracious, funny,...
At National Right to Life News, Dave Andrusko reports on French lawmakers’ decision to prosecute websites which “aim to dissuade women from terminating a pregnancy by...