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A new graphic illustrates how one-fourth of today’s youth never made it because they were terminated before they were born. Below is...
Here is a new pro-life graphic that we are releasing. You can see a high-quality version by clicking on the image below....
After setting it on the back burner for eight years, North Carolina courts have finally decided to try making a decision regarding...
You can view the graphic below. You can view/download a high quality version from the Live Action flickr or facebook page.
Ann Furedi, chief executive of the abortion chain British Pregnancy Advisory Service recently engaged with Will Saletan in a debate over the...
The pro-abortion radicals love to embrace an upside-down world. A world in which human life unthreatened by the violence of abortion is...
Protect Life Act sponsor Rep. Joe Pitts wrote in a letter to the editor at the New York Times how his legislation...
Today CNN wrote and article titled, “Mississippi gov. supports amendment to declare fertilized egg a person.” What is the problem with that?...
Most all abortions comes from unintended pregnancies so it is an important piece of data to be aware of in understanding the...
Most all abortions comes from unintended pregnancies so it is an important piece of data to be aware of in understanding the...
We just released this new pro-life graphic. Let us know what you think in the comment section below. You can see other...
At HeresTheBlood.com, we host a video of an actual abortion with the vast majority of images and video coming from the 1st...