Yesterday we reported on the recent shut-down of a Sherman, TX Planned Parenthood facility – following state budget cuts and the resignation...
The latest data from Planned Parenthood’s annual report shows that they performed 332,278 termination procedures according to their 2009 annual report which...
New figures from 2010 show 18 Komen for the Cure affiliates giving over a half million dollars to the abortion giant Planned...
God Bless Texas! Another Planned Parenthood abortion facility has closed its doors this week – this time, in Sherman, TX. While this particular...
A new, unexpected trend seems to be aiding the pro-life cause – fewer doctors than ever before are willing to participate in...
As of August 5th, a Florida clinic was forced to close its doors and can no longer perform abortions. The local Pensacola...
While the nearly a quarter million dollars in funding going back into the deep pockets of Planned Parenthood must be used on “non-abortive...
The bioethics blog Secondhand Smoke discusses the implications of sex-selective abortions here, and the dangers of making life or death decisions based...
Check out what Live Action President Lila Rose was up to this past week in Spain: — 2011 (c) Live Action —
Good news out of New Hampshire! After taxpayer funding was revoked back in July, the New Hampshire health department has decided against...
The South Dakota Legislature recently passed an Informed Consent Law, requiring pregnant women to be provided with “a consultation with fully trained...
Planned Parenthood Washington State Chaplin Vincent Lachina proclaimed last week, “I am an ordained Southern Baptist minister” to an audience in the...
The New York Times recently printed this powerful and heartbreaking article of a woman’s first-hand account of pregnancy “reduction,” aka. aborting one...
A recent Gallup poll showed that more Americans lean pro-life than we may think when it comes to abortion practices — that’s...