In order to better protect teenage girls from abuse, Illinois has enacted a law requiring that statutory rape cases be reported immediately...
This new survey data released by the Minnesota Department of Health shows that 73 out of 11,500 abortions performed in Minnesota last...
A new Minnesota Health Department report finds that sixteen women in that state had their ninth or more abortion last year. Assuming...
From LifeNews: Abortion numbers fell for the fourth straight year in Minnesota, according to the latest report issued today from the Minnesota...
A team of pro-life youth recently put this video together at the Live Action Youth Leadership Summit. The video looks at abortion...
A team of pro-life youth recently put this video together at the Live Action Youth Leadership Summit. The video uses science to...
A team of pro-life youth recently put this video together at the Live Action Youth Leadership Summit. The video addresses moral relativism...
Live Action President Lila Rose, along with a sizable group of pro-life men and women, endured the rain in Durango, CO Thursday...
After learning of her pregnancy, a man in West Virginia allegedly assaulted his girlfriend when she refused to abort their unborn child. From LifeNews:...
In the movement to restore the life rights for unborn children, some abortion-supporting critics have asked, “Why are pro-lifers focused on Planned...
Earlier today, a commenter on the pro-abortion site, Mother Jones “Marcus_from_the_North” said: I like my aborted fetus’s with fave beans and a...
Live Action President Lila Rose will be leading tomorrow’s protest at Mercy Regional Medical Center, to expose the relationship between this so-called...
Hello, it’s Shiloh! The Live Action Leadership Summit wrapped up on Saturday, and all told it was a soaring success. Each student,...