A letter to the editor (LTE) of the Las Vegas Sun shows some members of the public continue to believe that Planned...
H/T to Jill Stanek for this news video showing a disturbing situation in Britian–a lottery to “win a baby” through IVF. “Players”...
Via The Morning Call: The Health Department inspected the Allentown center on May 26 and said operators “failed to maintain a safe...
Planned Parenthood is merging its affiliate in Nebraska and Iowa, PP of the Heartland, with its Planned Parenthood of Arkansas and Eastern...
Good news for Planned Parenthood? They are not the only abortion providers that fail to report child rapes. Three Louisiana abortion clinics...
Amidst all the ruckus in Kansas over tough new regulations for abortion clinics that may end up shutting the clinics down, pro-life...
There’s a disturbing case out of Ohio where a 15-year-old runaway girl was held by a couple as a sex-slave and taken...
Steven Ertelt outlines Planned Parenthood’s latest losses in Kansas tax-funding in his recent article on LifeNews.com. The Planned Parenthood abortion business is...
According to Samantha Singson’s recent article on LifeNews.com, the International Planned Parenthood Federation is receiving increased support from various United Nations agencies,...
Creative Minority Report has an interesting “news item” about Planned Parenthood’s response to Live Action’s latest investigation. Guess it was bound to...
Planned Parenthood’s business model is increasingly focused on going big–consolidating affiliates and building giant mega-clinics as their headquarters. Oregon is now getting...
Responding to the undercover sting that reveals they are deceiving the public and lawmakers into believing they are vital to poor women’s...
Lila Rose discusses the defunding of Planned Parenthood in Indiana and the attempts by the Federal Government to bully Indiana into forcing...
From Fox News: Indiana has become Ground Zero in the national battle to defund the largest abortion chain in America, Planned Parenthood....