A response to the many names pro-abortion organizations like Planned Parenthood, NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League), NAF (National Abortion Federation), and...
Highlighted from the JillStanek blog: RH Reality Check’s Robin Marty writes one of the most unintentionally hilarious sentences ever: The effectiveness of...
I recently heard someone say that “an unborn baby is not merely the potential for life, but instead, a life with potential.” ...
Citizens for a Pro-Life Society says of their new video release: This is video footage of an investigation that found aborted babies,...
Today I was looking through the latest agenda driven report released by the radically pro-abortion “Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada” and I...
Seven year old “MattyB” has recorded a touching song that celebrates his younger sister with down syndrome. It is truly the culture...
CNS Reports: According to a “fact sheet” published by the organization, Planned Parenthood Affiliate Health Centers performed 324,008 abortions in 2008. And...
On November 2, 2010 at IPFW, a student jumped the fence surrounding the Genocide Awareness Project exhibit and began to vandalize the...
That is what a new pro-abort effort is saying. On the website 45 Million Voices, they state: We believe that an abortion...
The Associated Press via the Seattle Times reports that the State of Washington has settled with Planned Parenthood after an initial audit...
Maybe the best early development of life video that I have seen. Warning: Once you start watching it, you can’t stop.
According to LifeSiteNews: In February, local pro-life advocate Chris Veneklase confirmed suspicions that the Womans Choice abortion clinic in Delta Township was...
Watching the video below will explain… UPDATE via Jill Stanek: Planned Parenthood tries to get YouTube to pull embarrassing bloopers videos See...
What is the pre-born? Is abortion morally justifiable? Are the pre-born equal in value to born humans? Stephanie Gray, Executive Director of...