Tara Broderick, CEO of Planned Parenthood of Northeast Ohio said in response to a report that Ohio’s abortions has fallen 3% in...
At the University of Maryland campus outreach exhibit, CBR staff member Seth Drayer and an associate professor of philosophy engage in conversation,...
Life Prize has recently uploaded a video of Live Action President Lila Rose who was a 2008 Life Prize winner. I am...
What do you think? Fair? Informative?
The Journal Star of Lincoln, NE published a gushing interview Saturday with Planned Parenthood abortionist Jill Meadows. One paragraph about Jill Meadows...
Tune in to CNN to see Lila Rose and Live Action in the documentary “Right On The Edge,” which airs Oct. 2...
NOW or the National Organization for Women protested Live Action President Lila Rose’s speech in Indianapolis, Indiana earlier this week with a...
Okay, maybe this isn’t exactly a guide as the title states but it is a good tool in learning how to respond...
I don’t think I’ve ever seen Planned Parenthood tweet on Twitter about a great adoption advocate or touching story about choosing life....
The New York Times put their support for abortion on display as they wrote a life remembrance yesterday for Dr. William Harrison,...
Abortion giant Planned Parenthood is facing opposition in every corner of the country. Pro-life Americans are making their voices heard by clearly...
The Planned Parenthood Rocky Mountain Twitter account tweeted their support for a project called, “4,000 Years of Choice” which celebrates abortion of...
Earlier this month Planned Parenthood released their 2008 annual report. Yes, they are a year behind in reporting their information. Not so...
On July 22nd, Live Action San Jose youth gathered to rally for life and in protest of abortion giant Planned Parenthood. Watch...