Live Action President Lila Rose gave the following speech on July 9th, 2010 at a pro-life training event in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
This speech was given September, 2009 in Washington, DC at the Omni Shoreham Hotel. Lila Rose is the President of Live Action....
My thought at the moment is, what is Planned Parenthood hiding? The latest annual report on their website is their “Annual Report...
Young Lia Mills answer this question… Lia became well-known after giving the following speech on abortion last year:
INC Now reports on Live Action President Lila Rose training The other lecturer was a recent UCLA graduate named Lila Rose. Rose...
CBN has coverage of right-to-life advocates standing up against Planned Parenthood and the abortion indusry in Virginia: A coalition of pro-life advocates...
Coerced abortions. Very, very sad. Do you think we will see Planned Parenthood complaining about these women having no choice?
Yesterday the Associated Press, commonly known as the AP, posted an article titled, “Kagan on abortion, assisted suicide in files“. In that...
Planned Parenthood supports minors getting secret abortions – that is nothing new. We saw that on display yet again as Planned Parenthood...
The Planned Parenthood Shasta-Diablo website lists sponsors to their event “Wine, Women & Shoes 2010”. You can see the list on their...
The Nappa Valley Register is reporting that “Sex and the City” actor David Eigenberg will be joining abortion giant Planned Parenthood to...
Have friends that are confused? Show them this video and educate them about the science of life:
A must-watch, life-affirming short movie. Check it out: Part 1: Part 2:
The latest polling data from Gallup confirmed a pro-life trend among young people as well as the general population. Overall the latest...