Here is a rundown of some of the coverage over the last 10 days of our work exposing legal violations at Planned...
Live Action President Lila Rose (in studio) with CBN Newswatch Thursday, Feb. 18 at 3:45 pm ET (IN STUDIO) Live Action...
Thousands gathered in Houston, Texas to rally for life and justice at the site of a new Planned Parenthood supercenter, the second...
A study from Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research and the National Laboratory of Contraceptives and Devices Research states: “The investigators conclude...
Last week I posted about how abortion-free Ireland has the lowest maternal death rate in the world. Kathleen Reeves of the anti-life...
The Associated Press is reporting that the Birmingham, Alabama, Planned Parenthood abortion clinic has been placed on probation for failing to follow...
A Canadian student pro-life club has been stripped of its club status and funding not because they have violated any rules, but...
Where is the maternal death rate lowest? Ireland, where human abortion is a crime against humanity. The UNICEF website reports: Ireland: Maternal...
It is good to see that Dove is pro-science and understands the biology of when human life begins. Their Super Bowl ad...
An all-out campaign by NOW, NARAL, WMF, Feminist Majority, and other pro-abortion groups against the Tim Tebow ad looks utterly foolish in...
So Planned Parenthood and the ACLU are making noise in Virginia because they have license plates there that people can get that...
Shocking, but true. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger wrote the following in a book titled, “Woman and the new race“: The most...
The stellar book “Why Pro-Life?” is being offered as a free download. This simple book will help give you the rational arguments...