Yesterday in the blog post titled, Planned Parenthood Trains 11-Year-Olds to Inject Birth Control Into Other Young People, I highlighted the insane...
In remembering the over 50 million lives lost to abortion since the inhumane ruling of Roe v. Wade, it is important to...
A new Marist poll released today finds that 56% of Americans view human abortion as morally wrong. Individuals were ask, “Regardless of...
UPDATE: CAUGHT! Planned Parenthood Hides Evidence of Dangerous Injection Program There isn’t much that Planned Parenthood pulls that surprises me but I...
Law and Order: Criminal Intent actors Eric Bogosian, Vincent DOnofrio, Kathryn Erbe, and Julianne Nicholson teamed up with Planned Parenthood to advocate...
Former Planned Parenthood facility director Abby Johnson reveals the inner workings of the business and the moment she vowed to “never again”...
Planned Parenthood is currently renovating a new building that they have purchased for their operations. The six-story structure will include office space...
The citizens of the state of Alaska have submitted 47,000 signatures to put a bill before voters that ensure that parents be...
Caitlin Jane released a new music video 12 days ago and brings attention to the plight of humans not yet born. The...
Jeanne Pernia has quite a story. Years ago she worked at an abortion clinic and had an abortion herself. Today, she is...
Take a look at this “Open Microphone Session” at the University of Minnesota at Moorhead. Listen and learn from the great answer...
The following is video testimony by Rachelle Crile about an incident that happened earlier today: From the Daily Herald: Crile said she...
Since we released our new undercover video Wednesday showing counseling manipulation and medical lies, Planned Parenthood has opted to stay silent –...