UPDATE, 7/28/20: Authorities have ruled that Dr. Mike Adams died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. According to a friend, Adams had been...
A pro-life exhibit is set to be completed by the end of September at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky. Set to...
Right to Life UK reports that a bill introducing abortion up to birth is making its way through Kenya’s Senate. The bill,...
Virginia Evers, the creator of the popular pro-life pin known as the “Precious Feet,” died on Friday, July 17, 2020, at the...
A pro-life artist painted “Baby Lives Matter” on the street in front of Planned Parenthood in Salt Lake City, Utah. Artist Tayler Hansen...
Just under a month after the Tennessee Legislature passed House Bill 2263 banning abortions after a preborn child’s heartbeat can be detected (around six...
While it is widely believed there will not be a baby boom next winter due to the COVID-19 quarantine that began in...
In February, members of the Florida House and Senate passed SB 404, a bill that requires parental consent before a minor is...
Former NFL star Benjamin Watson, who with his wife Kirsten is known for his vocal pro-life stance and support for the vital...
A young woman named Zoe shared her adoption story with Humans of New York on June 8th, telling the beautiful story of...
Parents of a baby girl born just a few hours prior left her safely at a fire station in Crosby, Texas, thanks...
In a statement released on June 2nd, the United States Mission to the United Nations rejected a UN agreement on humanitarian assistance...
Video captured by a family’s Ring security camera of an Amazon delivery driver has gone viral – for a good reason. The...
Reality star Phil Robertson has opened up about the circumstances surrounding the daughter he never met — and their eventual reunion. Robertson...