
Autopsy is out! Will Planned Parenthood be held accountable for botched abortion death?

Negligence at best.

Operation Rescue got access to Tonya Reaves’ autopsy results earlier this week and shared them with the public. I read every detail of the 7-page report. I felt like vomiting, crying, and throwing something after I finished. The line about Tonya’s uterus being received in a separate container along with her body made me sick. The details on her toenails being painted pink caused me to hold back tears. The fact that the medical examiner ruled the death an accident makes me furious.

Thankfully, I’m not the only one who’s fuming. Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue, told LifeNews:

“We strongly believe that criminal charges such as Depraved Indifference, Criminal Negligence, and Criminal Malpractice are applicable in this case and we again call for a criminal investigation into the death of Tonya Reaves.”

“Planned Parenthood killed her, now they must be brought to justice in a court of law.”

Newman is a strong voice working to expose Planned Parenthood’s negligence in the botched abortion and death of Ms.Reaves. He’s made it known that after the botched abortion, Tonya was left bleeding for five hours before being transported to Northwestern Memorial Hospital. The doctors at the hospital weren’t even made aware of the details of Tonya’s messed up D&E.

Newman also said: “As bungled as this abortion was, we believe Tonya Reaves could have survived her injuries if she had gotten immediate emergency care and if Planned Parenthood had shared medical information with the hospital related to her incomplete abortion and uterine perforation. Instead, Planned Parenthood left the trauma team in the dark to solve the puzzle of Tonya’s injuries while her life ebbed away.”

Troy Newman is one among many who are refusing to let Tonya Reaves’ death get pushed under the rug. He is working through Operation Rescue to file a complaint with the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation against the abortionist who is believed to have performed Reaves abortion, Carolyn Hoke. Hoke is the medical director for Planned Parenthood of Illinois.

Questions are also being raised as to why Planned Parenthood neglected to use 911 emergency services after Tonya suffered complications. LifeNews shared questions from John Jansen of the Pro-Life Action League.

Did Planned Parenthood call a private ambulance company instead of calling 911? If so, why? It was a Chicago Fire Department ambulance that ultimately transported Tonya Reaves to Northwestern Memorial Hospital — five and a half hours after her abortion. If Planned Parenthood didn’t call 911, who notified the Fire Department and told them to send an ambulance?”  Does Planned Parenthood’s Loop Health Center have a medical emergency policy? If so, was it followed in the case of Tonya Reaves?

It’s clear that this case is not as straightforward as Planned Parenthood would make it out to be. The pro-life community must continue to seek answers regarding the death of this young woman. Planned Parenthood is a billion-dollar organization, with influential friends and support from our government. They hope Tonya’s name will be forgotten. They want her death to appear as an lone “accident” in a sea of “safe” legal abortions. Read Tonya’s autopsy report. Let the chilling details awaken you to the reality of abortion gone wrong. Share Tonya’s story, pray for her family, do whatever you can to stand for truth in a time where deception abounds. Accidents do happen, but this is negligence at best! 

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