Babies born prematurely are surviving at earlier stages — the same ages when late abortions still legally occur. Most Americans are unaware that while Roe v. Wade decriminalized abortion, its companion case, Doe v. Bolton, essentially legalized abortion up to birth for any reason. Today, babies are tragically aborted at all stages of development, as evidenced by a recent Kentucky report which showed that some babies are being aborted mere days before birth.
Even as abortion violently and legally kills babies at all stages in the womb, medical advances are saving others.
In 2015, the National Institutes for Health (NIH) cited a study showing that extremely preterm infants (those born before the 28th week of pregnancy) are surviving in greater numbers and escaping serious illness. “Infants born at 23 and 24 weeks survived in greater numbers over the 20-year period. Of those born at 24 weeks, for example, only 52 percent survived in 1993 while 65 percent survived in 2012,” NIH wrote, adding, “A higher number of premature infants survived without major illnesses. For infants born at 27 weeks, for example, survival without major illness increased from 29 percent in 1993 to 47 percent in 2012.”
Many examples of preemies surviving at earlier ages
Babies at later ages are legally killed by abortion all across the United States, including at multiple Planned Parenthood facilities. But they deserve a chance and a right to live — just as the babies mentioned below.
Richard Scott William Hutchinson was born at 21 weeks and two days and survived. Preemie Jemarius Jachin Harbor Jr. survived after being born at 21 weeks gestation in December 2019, weighing just 13 ounces. Lyla Stensrud was also born at 21 weeks and is a happy and healthy little girl.
Many babies have also survived at 22 weeks, like twins Harley and Harry, Leilani, Stella, Jimena, and Russell.
Little Elsie Dutton was born premature at just 23 weeks and weighing 1lb, 4oz at birth when after approximately one month in an incubator, doctors suggested her mom start cradling little Elsie skin-to-skin time against her body often referred to as kangaroo care. “It’s crazy to think that me cuddling her was having such an impact – it saved her life,” her mom said.
Born at a just 24 weeks, Lucas Simpson was over 100 days premature when he made his grand entrance into the world in June. Although Lucas was not born in the United States, pregnant mothers at that stage could seek an abortion up to an beyond 24 weeks in multiple places such as Planned Parenthood. Faithful pro-life activist John Barros regularly rescues preborn babies later in pregnancy, outside the Women’s Center abortion facility in North Florida.
Kendall Jurnakins’ pregnant mother went into labor with him at just 25 weeks of pregnancy. Although Kendall was cared for in hospital for 460 days, the doctors believe he will live a healthy life and he has since been allowed to go home.
Rory Ballantine was born at 25 weeks gestation after his mom was diagnosed with severe pre-eclampsia, which can be life-threatening. As Live Action News previously reported, there is no treatment for it, except to deliver the baby. So Ballantine underwent an emergency c-section, and Rory was born weighing just one pound. He was so small, Ballantine had to get clothes for him from Build-A-Bear Workshop — outfits designed for stuffed teddy bears. Babies at this stage could be taken to LeRoy Carhart’s CARE Clinics for Abortion & Reproductive Excellence in Bethesda, Maryland, to have their lives snuffed out for money.
Chester Rice was born at 30 weeks and was given a 1% chance of survival when his mother’s water broke at just 19 weeks of pregnancy. Chester’s mom refused an abortion, but many women give into the fear of their doctor’s bad news and succumb to the pressure. At 19 weeks abortions are fairly common in most places while at 30 weeks you can still access abortion at Warren Hern’s Boulder abortion facility in Colorado, the Dupont abortion facility in Washington D.C., or Curtis Boyd’s Southwest Women’s Options abortion facility in Albuquerque, NM.

Babies born premature
The following additional examples includes names of babies or their parents surviving various stages of pregnancy:
- 22 weeks: Abel Alexander, Jade and Steve (mom and dad)
- 22-23 weeks: Kaylie and Brandon DeShane (parents), Zeke Vier
- 22.5 weeks: Reece and Riley Phipps (twins)
- 23 weeks: Paris Nguyen, Bonnie Morgans, Valentina Alvarado, Elsie Hampson, Baby Heaven, Everleigh Odom, Baby Chay
- 24 weeks: Rory Byers, Lucas Simpson
- 24 weeks, 5 days: Niamh Dolan
- 25 weeks: Freya-Rose Melvin
- 25 weeks, 4 days: Elli Robertson
- 26 weeks: Faith Findley
- 27 weeks: Arvind and Joshana Prajapati (parents)
- 28 weeks: Joanna Strong, Baby Isla, Rory Ballantine
- 30 weeks: Chester Rice
- 31 weeks: Max Do
For more, visit the University of Iowa’s Tiniest Babies Registry, a global record of premature survivors.
Recent research (Jama Network March 26, 2019, and Medical Express, March 26, 2019) has documented that babies delivered younger than 24 or 23 weeks are potentially able to survive. And according to research published by the Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI), a 2019 study in Sweden found that the survival rate among babies born prematurely has nearly doubled from 10 years ago. They claim survival rates for babies born prematurely at 22 weeks who were treated with intensive care have increased from 29% in 2004 to 58% in 2016.

Charlotte Lozier stat on fetal survival rates at 22 weeks when late abortion occurs
Tragically, abortions are being committed late in pregnancy, on babies who have a relatively good change to survive outside the womb. And, in some states, infanticide (killing of a baby after birth) is now being advocated.
To protect these babies, it is important for their mothers to know what abortion is and what it does to the child in the womb. This knowledge can be found by visiting
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