I was recently searching online for an encouraging pro-life story. I happened to stumble upon a YouTube channel called “Facing Life Head On.”
The story I watched, “A Miraculous Reversal,” brought tears to my eyes. It is the story of a mother named Jamie who was addicted to drugs, struggling to survive. Jamie had a daughter named Vanessa, but since she was unable to care for her, Vanessa lived with her grandparents. Through a series of events, Jamie’s parents let her move back in with them and Vanessa. Jamie was beyond grateful for another chance to be with her daughter, but Jamie was 20 weeks pregnant.
Jamie’s family decided that since she was in the early stages of drug recovery, and unstable, abortion was the only option. Thankfully, Jamie’s neighbor, Marina, who worked at a pregnancy care center, discovered her intentions.
Marina knew Jamie wanted her child, but felt she had no other choice. When Jamie went in for her abortion appointment, Marina headed to the clinic to talk to her. She was able to reach Jamie’s father, who was sitting in the parking lot. Jamie had already gone in to start the two day late-term abortion procedure.
At that point, most people would have given up. Yet, as Jamie left the abortion clinic, Marina was still there and asked if she could continue talking to her. Through Marina’s kind words and advice, Jamie decided she wanted to keep her child. However, the abortion procedure had already begun – small sticks called laminaria had been placed in her cervix to cause her to dilate.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sqFKGUrT_o]
Amazingly, even with the laminaria in place, there is still a chance for an abortion to be reversed. Through the care of doctors, Jamie was able to have the laminaria removed. There was a chance, however, that Jamie could miscarry. But she followed doctor’s orders, and gave birth to a healthy baby girl.
This story is one of the most life-affirming stories I have ever heard. I could not believe it had less than 10 views on YouTube. My hope is that after watching this story, you will share it with others. It’s a story of hope, courage, and a preborn baby who fought to live.
As “Facing Life Head On” writes:
A Miraculous Reversal tells the story of a caring neighbor, a woman who started an abortion, and their fight to reverse the fate of the baby. It’s a story of love and hope, and it proves that even when a situation looks darkest, we should never, never give up.
The Youtube channel is described as an “Emmy Award®-winning half-hour news magazine show that confronts today’s culture of death and champions those who choose life.” The channel has a series of videos produced by Life Issues Institute and hosted by Brad Mattes.
NOTE: For more information on abortion reversal after taking an abortion pill, you can get help from APR at AbortionPillReversal.com. APR and Pro Life Action League also have information on reversing an abortion after laminaria has been inserted, as in Jamie’s story. H.E.L.P Crisis Pregnancy Center and Cities4Life also have abortion reversal information, as should most crisis pregnancy centers. You can find your local center by calling 866-889-6626, texting “HELPLINE” to 313131, or by visiting OptionLine.org.