Baby Harriet’s body was discovered on March 25, 2022, in a medical waste box about to be placed on a truck bound for Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services. Along with her were 114 other bodies of children killed at the Washington Surgi-Center abortion facility in D.C., which is notorious for committing later abortions. Harriet is believed to have been about 28 to 30 weeks gestational age and — though it is completely legal to kill viable children at this age in Washington, D.C. — experts agree that Harriet may have been killed by a federally banned abortion procedure.
WARNING: Disturbing photos below.
The pro-life organization Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) recovered the bodies after asking the truck driver if he would allow them to take the box. Once he learned there could be human bodies inside, he handed the box over for examination. Inside were the remains of 110 babies killed in the first trimester and five babies killed later in pregnancy. Baby Harriet’s nearly intact body had puncture wounds at the back of her neck and a collapsed skull.
Experts say that it appears Harriet may have been killed by the federally illegal D&X abortion procedure, commonly referred to as “partial-birth abortion.”

Baby Harriet found in medical waste bin outside DC abortion facility. Photo courtesy of Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising.
A D&X abortion is carried out by delivering the baby in the breech position to the base of the neck. Delivery is then halted and the abortionist punctures a hole at the base of the skull before using powerful suction to remove the viable child’s brain matter.
“If she was alive at the start of the procedure, the abortionist would have committed a partial birth abortion,” former abortionist, Dr. Kathi Aultman said of Harriet.
Likewise, neonatologist Dr. Kendra Kolb explained, “… evidence of deep lacerations to the posterior neck … presumably correlates to the method of abortion used to end her life.”

Baby Harriet side profile. Photo courtesy of Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising.
A pro-life activist voluntarily informed the D.C. homicide unit of the babies and surrendered them to authorities. PAAU believes the “late gestational ages as well as their apparent sustained injuries potentially show violations of the Partial Birth Abortion Act as well as the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.” On April 1, 2022, however, D.C. police held a press conference, during which they dismissed the possibility that Harriet was killed illegally, despite the fact that no investigation or autopsies had been performed.
Despite a letter sent to D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and Police Chief Robert J. Contee III, no action has been taken to determine if Harriet was killed illegally or to secure justice for her and the other four children killed late in gestation by abortion.