For most of human existence, prenatal development has largely been a mystery for the average person, and even for many in the medical field. Advancements in ultrasound technology have helped to further expand our knowledge of fetal development since 1973, when the Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade legalized abortion nationwide. But years of ignorance regarding life inside the womb allowed abortion proponents to lie and convince Americans that preborn children are nothing more than a clump of meaningless cells.
Now, the proof exists that preborn children are human beings and life begins at fertilization. Live Action’s groundbreaking animated video of Baby Olivia is revealing the truth of the complexities of human life, from the moment of fertilization through the rapid-paced development from embryo to fetus. Life before birth, even in the first few weeks, is nothing like abortion proponents pretend it is.
With multiple states passing what are known as “heartbeat bills” in recent years, in which abortion is restricted to the short weeks leading up to the child having a detectable embryonic heartbeat — at about six weeks gestation — the abortion lobby has argued that most women don’t know they are pregnant until after the preborn child already has a heartbeat. Though she is well beyond the stage of single-celled human, abortion industry leader Planned Parenthood and others have depicted a preborn child’s life at this stage as nothing more than a small dot.
From very far away, our planet Earth looks like little more than a tiny blue dot. But when that dot is seen at close range, it is clearly so much more; our planet is full of wondrous detail than a mere dot could ever portray. The same is true of the preborn child. Though small to the naked eye, an up-close look reveals the detail and complexity — the humanity — of the developing human being, who is far more than a tiny, nondescript “dot.”
Early Options, a private abortion business in New York City prides itself on committing abortions in the first trimester. But the facility deceives women about the fetal development of their children, and about what abortion in the early weeks of pregnancy actually entails. In an Early Options video explaining “early abortion choices,” the facility depicts the abortion pill procedure, as well as the use of SofTouch, a manual device for first-trimester abortion. In each segment of the video, the preborn child is shown as a dot, and the abortion is compared to having a period.
Of course, a living human being isn’t intentionally killed when a woman has her period, yet deceptively, the abortion video is titled, “Bringing down your missed period.”
Early Options claims that the best time to end a pregnancy using the abortion pill is between five and nine weeks after a woman’s last menstrual period (LMP), or three to seven weeks post-fertilization. The video downplays the deliberate killing of abortion by stating that one in three pregnancies will end in miscarriage “naturally” during these weeks.
Early Options describes SofTouch as best used between five and 10 weeks LMP (which would be between three and eight weeks post-fertilization). The video states that the device “releases your menstrual period.” Again, no image of the preborn child is given other than a white dot, and there is no discussion of what actually happens to the preborn child during the procedure.
A similar video from Planned Parenthood depicts the preborn child as a blue dot, even though preborn children develop from a single cell human to an embryo with a heartbeat by just 22 days of fertilization. And by the abortion industry’s own account, this milestone occurs well before a woman knows she is pregnant.
READ: ‘Baby Olivia’ provides an incredible look at the first trimester of human development
Planned Parenthood even presents the preborn child in a first trimester as a blue dot in its informational video about an in-clinic (surgical) abortion:
Nothing in any of these abortion industry videos speaks to the development of the preborn child, and they completely skip over fertilization, the moment in which a new human being comes into existence. Baby Olivia can be seen in the image below at just four weeks (six weeks LMP). Her heart already began beating at three weeks and one day.

Four weeks after fertilization (Six weeks gestation)
As the Early Options video moves into showing how the abortion pill works, it states that the first pill — mifepristone — “blocks the hormones needed for the pregnancy to develop.” The second pill, misoprostol, is presented as causing a woman to “release [her] missed period.” Likewise, the Planned Parenthood video says mifepristone “stops your pregnancy from developing” and that misoprostol “empties your uterus.” This language makes it sound as though the “pregnancy” has yet to begin, but the “pregnancy” — a human child — already exists. The development that is halted is that of a human being whose life has already begun.
What mifepristone actually does is block progesterone, depriving the preborn child of nutrients. Then misoprostol causes the uterus to contract, as in any labor and delivery process — but in this case, the woman delivers her dead baby. Nothing about the process is simple or easy, as many women have attested to.

Nine weeks post-fertilization (11 weeks gestation)
By nine weeks, as seen in the image above of Baby Olivia, a human being can sigh, stretch, move her tongue, and suck her thumb. Baby Olivia is far more advanced than the dots depicted by the abortion industry videos which attempt to describe abortion in early pregnancy. The abortion industry’s denial of fetal development misinforms women instead of educating them, which leads to more preborn children’s deaths and more potential for lifelong heartache.
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