
Backlash rises against Catholic prayer app for hiring pro-abortion actor Liam Neeson

The Catholic prayer app Hallow is facing criticism after announcing the addition of pro-abortion actor Liam Neeson.

Recent advertisements from Hallow show that Neeson will be voicing the app’s guided Advent prayers called “Advent with C.S. Lewis.” Neeson was known several years ago for his role as the voice of the lion Aslan in the film series adaptation of Anglican Lewis’ “The Chronicles of Narnia.” But he was also a strong and vocal supporter of legalizing abortion in Ireland in 2018.

That year, Neeson, who was raised Catholic, narrated a film made by pro-abortion Amnesty International, which called on the Irish government to repeal the Eighth Amendment of its constitution which made abortion a crime except when the mother’s life was in danger. (Induced abortion — the direct and intentional killing of a child in the womb — is not medically necessary.) Catholic Arena noted that the ad also included anti-Catholic imagery and suggested that Catholicism was a “darkness” that “haunts” Ireland. Abortion was perceived as the remedy.



In a video promoting the Advent prayers, Neeson is seen speaking with actor Jonathan Roumie, who plays Jesus in the controversial series “The Chosen.” Neeson told Roumie that he is “really excited” to join Hallow and would be “going through meditations largely from C.S. Lewis.” He called Hallow “a great prayer and meditation app.”

Hallow users, however, were quick to point out Neeson’s vocal support for legalized preborn child-killing. Some shared hope that Neeson has had a change of heart on abortion or will in the near future.

One reader said, “Interesting choice… he also lended his voice in commercials to legalize abortion in Ireland. Praying he has had a change in heart. Otherwise I am rethinking my hallow app.”

Another stated, “I pray that as Liam steps further into prayer himself that he considers publicly reversing his 2018 position on supporting abortion.”

Some Hallow users were much more critical.

One woman wrote, “I have cancelled my subscription to Hallow. It is such a shame because this App has really encouraged me in my faith. But as a matter of principle I cannot subscribe and fund an app that will put a man that actively campaigned for the direct and intentional killing of unborn children while skating and mocking the Catholic Church, on a pedestal. What’ll we have next? Lady Gaga leading us in Advent hymns? Joe Biden leading us all in the rosary on Hallow?”

Another said, “Using Liam Neeson on Hallow is a slap in the face to faithful Irish Catholics and to all ProLife supporters everywhere!”

Another told Hallow, “Shame on you @hallowapp I will not be supporting your company as long as you employ people who promote abortion.”

Neeson’s voice will be heard narrating the Advent prayers beginning on Dec. 3.

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