BDSM is a big trend, which is no surprise with the booming response 50 Shades of Grey experienced and the highly anticipated upcoming movie version. What is a big surprise is how nonchalant many American parents view teen involvement with it.
When Live Action’s recent investigative video was released showing a Planned Parenthood counselor giving dangerous and unhealthy advice to a minor, we took to the internet with a tweetfest to bring attention to it.
The tweetfest aimed to show the public what Planned Parenthood qualifies as education, and the harmful agenda they have for teens. What was most interesting, however, was how many people didn’t view it as an issue. Here are some samples of what people said:
When asked if Planned Parenthood should be able to teach this with zero parental knowledge or consent:
@Lauramarie4Life @rvsputin @PPact absolutely, especially if their parents are slut-shaming dickbutts
— Feminist Lady (@feministlady) June 11, 2014
When asked if it would be alright with her for her teen daughter to get this kind of BDSM and porn advice from Planned Parenthood:
@Lauramarie4Life @feministlady @PPact man I just said yes. It’s healthy and normal to have questions — k i t t y ✨ (@rvsputin) June 11, 2014
And her point in overwhelming support?
@Lauramarie4Life mine is that teens deserve real education, not judgement and pushing outdated morality down their throats
— k i t t y ✨ (@rvsputin) June 11, 2014
Another winner:
Whether you have a problem with it or not, @Lauramarie4Life risk-aware BDSM is part of a #CultureOfConsent @feministlady @rvsputin @PPact
— S.E.B. MD (@ircrc) June 11, 2014
Basically we’re preventing teens from being fully informed if we don’t give them the dirty details on porn and violent BDSM behavior. And if teens consent to certain behavior, it is ok. It’s “shaming” them to suggest they should act otherwise.
But let me say this: is it shaming kids if we tell them to look both ways before crossing the road? How about when we tell the not to drink? Don’t smoke pot, either. And don’t text while driving!
Are we “shaming” kids in those situations? If they consented to them, would it make them ok?
My sincere hope is that most American parents would answer “no”.
Teaching kids the difference between right and wrong is one of the most important and daunting duties of a parent. Learning the difference allows kids to develop a good sense of judgement. Now why wouldn’t we want that?
With Planned Parenthood being recognized as a primary care provider under Obamacare, this should bring new life to the movement against the abortion giant. Why? Because now the public cannot deny the facts. Not only is Planned Parenthood America’s largest abortion provider, but they condone and encourage risky sexual behavior for societies most impressionable and members: our youth.
And our youth deserve better.
Without the generosity of our donors, this investigation could not have happened. Please GIVE today to help expose Planned Parenthood!