
Behind Planned Parenthood’s claims is the reality of dead babies

Reading the Twitter feeds of Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and their friends in abortion, one might think that abortion is as important as breathing. Bent on heralding the virtues and necessity of abortion on demand, these abortion profiteers miss their own cruel irony as they campaign against any legislation that defunds Planned Parenthood and prevents taxpayers from funding abortion. The Twitterverse is a reminder that the abortion deception is loud. This month alone, a variety of abortion leaders have made some troubling assertions:

Every day that Planned Parenthood’s doors stay open, 8,118 more people get health care. We will never stop fighting for our patients.

— Cecile Richards (@CecileRichards) May 5, 2017

Richards neglects to note that, on average, about 900 of those people each day came in with a baby in the womb and left without one since Planned Parenthood aborts about 320,000 babies a year.

Well, yes, this is a fact. In order to do an abortion procedure, a pregnancy test must be the first action. Planned Parenthood will do pregnancy tests as long as it does abortions; it has to know there is someone in the womb to kill, after all.

NARAL, of course, neglects to note that there are many solutions to the economic problems of women not ready to be parents, and abortion is not required. Adoption is one of these solutions. Placing a child for adoption is the most loving of acts, and during the process, pregnancy care is typically provided for women free of cost — usually through state programs or arrangements with the adoptive parents. The problem is that abortion proponents don’t mention this; they generally hide the many real options a pregnant woman has to stay financially afloat. To NARAL and others in the abortion industry, if a woman is not ready to be a mom, she should abort; however, parents who actually want to provide the best for their children don’t kill them, despite what NARAL and Planned Parenthood assert.

NARAL isn’t finished with its delusions of grandeur, though. Nope. Now all of our nation’s freedoms and democracy seem to hinge on the ability to kill a preborn child on demand. NARAL tweets:

It’s not clear how, in NARAL’s view, democracy survived for 200 years before abortion was legalized, but NARAL wants people to listen to their fear-mongering anyway.

Richards’ quote, repeated by her organization this month, neglects to note that “our daughters” apparently only deserve that opportunity if their moms decide they have a right to be born in the first place. The abortion industry seems oblivious to the reality that the right to life has been guaranteed for over 200 years, and it doesn’t come from a woman’s right to choose. But Planned Parenthood’s disconnect remains in place.

Freedom from violence is a right, apparently, unless of course you are a preborn baby who appeared at a bad time in the womb and might interfere with the mother’s career opportunity. Then Planned Parenthood thinks it’s perfectly appropriate to commit the violence in the video below on you:

Planned Parenthood is correct in that “no one should fear that those entrusted to protect them will harm them without accountability,” but tragically, the abortion profiteer asks mother to harm their children in just this way every day. America’s abortion corporation harms thousands upon thousands every year. Whether it’s the 300,000-plus babies it violently sucks from the womb or dismembers in pieces or the hundreds of thousands of moms — many of whom are scarred for life from the reality of what they have allowed their “health care provider” to convince them to do — this tweet is the classic cliché of the pot calling the kettle black.

Don’t be fooled by pithy tweets or scary rhetoric. At the end of the day, women trust Planned Parenthood to care for them, but they leave behind a dead baby who was violently evacuated from their womb. Even at the earliest stage of pregnancy, abortion is violent.

And behind the smoke and mirrors, procedures just like that are actually the “women’s health care” Planned Parenthood is lobbying for in our nation.

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