So, I’m going to be honest about something: dead children really don’t bring a smile to my face. They do for some people, though; Tucker Max spent a whole chapter of his second book joking about them. He called it, “Tucker Max: Baby Killer,” and in it he bragged of having “accumulated enough stories and anecdotes about abortion that they could name a Planned Parenthood clinic after me.”
Planned Parenthood seems to share Max’s sense of humor. Recently, Sarah Terzo highlighted a story from former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson in which she recalled how her boss once joked that Colorado’s Dr. Warren Hern did abortions “so far along they come out crying and looking for their mama.”
But all joking aside, Johnson still wasn’t comfortable with late-term abortions. When she expressed her feelings, a co-worker replied, “Well, it’s better to kill them before they are put in a dumpster.” Apparently those are your options at America’s largest “choice provider.”
Here’s another one: if you’re just not ready to raise your son or daughter, then there are plenty of people who are. And the good news is that they’re not hard to find.
There’s currently a shortage of available infants in America, so some aspiring parents have turned to websites like for help. It allows couples who have been approved by a licensed adoption agency to create an online profile. They can post pictures and contact details, along with a bio explaining who they are.
The profiles can be searched by location, religion, family size, and other criteria. You’re free to just browse the site and send a message when a profile catches your eye. Many couples want to make a birth mom part of the child’s life, and some are open to involving biological grandparents as well.
While Planned Parenthood tries to sell abortion as your only choice, that’s just not accurate. The truth is that you have a lot more options. These families are just a few clicks away, and they would really love to hear from you.