President Joe Biden spoke by video as part of the National Prayer Breakfast this week, delivering remarks that encouraged Americans to see each other beyond political ideology — after a bitterly divided and tumultuous election season — as “fellow human beings” and “fellow Americans.” Biden, who has claimed that his Catholic faith is the “foundation” for his life, also stated, “For me, in the darkest moments, faith provides hope and solace. It provides clarity and purpose as well. It shows the way forward, as one nation with a common purpose to respect one another, to care for one another, to leave no one behind.”
But sadly, almost immediately following his inauguration as president, Biden began to unravel protections for the most vulnerable members of the human family — his “fellow human beings” who are most definitely alive inside the womb. Killing children before birth does not show respect or care for them or for their mothers, who often deal with trauma and suffering as a result of abortion.
As is evident in the video above, children are complex human beings from the moment of fertilization, with a heartbeat beginning by 21 days post-fertilization, and brain waves beginning in the sixth week. Before the end of the first trimester, a female child in the womb has eggs in her ovaries, and a baby already begins to favor either the left or right hand. These are our “fellow human beings,” and it is unscientific to deny this fact. They should be cared for, not killed through abortion.
This apparent blind spot in the faith of Joe Biden is glaring. His insistence that we “care for one another” and “leave no one behind” rings hollow in light of the fact that he has chosen to deliberately expand opportunities to destroy the weakest members of the human family, and to allow them to be targeted for destruction at taxpayer expense.
And yet, President Biden’s actions have likely only surprised those who hadn’t been paying attention. During his campaign for president, Biden spoke at a candidate forum, promising to do what he has already done to expand abortion, and more. As part of his remarks speaking to representatives of Planned Parenthood — the nation’s largest abortion provider — he commented, “We are their saviors around the world.”
A “savior” is defined as “One who saves, rescues, delivers, or redeems from danger, death, or destruction.” Planned Parenthood does not qualify. The abortion industry does not qualify. Executive orders that are likely to increase abortion both at home and abroad also do not qualify. Abortion cannot save, rescue, deliver, or redeem from danger, death, or destruction, because abortion embodies danger, death, and destruction for preborn children and their mothers.
Live Action News has received a number of messages from women who regret their abortions, with many of them saying they have been suffering for decades. Some of their comments are below:
“I am 58 but had an abortion in my early 20s. I live every waking day regretting that decision…”
“My experience was almost 40 years ago… I don’t know how I could one day welcome a child I killed or how that sweet child could ever welcome me, its mother. I believe God’s love covers all but there is always a price to pay for wrongdoing. And I believe what I did was wrong. God forgive me, please. Baby forgive me, please. I am sorry….”
“I wish [photos and] a mandatory sonogram would have been there [for] me when I was 19 [and] 12 weeks pregnant. I was rushed by Planned Parenthood because that was the legal cutoff time. I was never told of the aftermath (P.A.S.), Post Abortion Syndrome. That took years to recover. They never called the baby a “baby.” They referred to the baby as “it” to make the separation….”
Live Action News has published multiple stories from women who are suffering because of past abortions.
READ: Three things America stands to lose with taxpayer-funded abortion
As for being a “savior” around the world, giving poorer countries real aid — not abortion — is what is needed. Developing nations need infrastructure, education, real health care, and real opportunities. They do not need abortion, nor do they want it, and they have said so themselves. Yet, based on President Biden’s actions, it seems he feels that part of this “savior” agenda is ending the Mexico City Policy so that American taxpayer dollars will again fund abortions abroad.
Part of this agenda is likely to be reflected at the United Nations as well, which has long pressured pro-life nations to abandon their ideals and to legalize and liberalize their abortion laws. Last year, the UN even threatened to withhold COVID-19 humanitarian aid from some of these nations unless they agreed to legalize abortion. This is an affront to any country’s national sovereignty. Now, with the pro-life Trump administration no longer present at the UN, the Biden administration is likely to join the efforts to persuade pro-life nations to abandon their pro-life, pro-family values.
Biden also fulfilled his promise to Planned Parenthood’s forum to “eliminat[e] all the changes” the Trump administration made to the Title X family planning program, which had ensured that the funding was not propping up abortion businesses. What’s left at this point are his promises to get rid of the Hyde Amendment — which prevents Medicaid dollars from paying for most abortions — and to codify Roe v. Wade into law.
None of this is consistent with the Catholic faith which President Biden professes. None of these actions line up with his words about uniting to care for one another, to respect one another, and leave no one behind. We cannot properly care for one another if abortion — the destruction of innocent children — is seen as a societal good. An intrinsic evil can never be a societal good.
Abortion destroys and does not lift up our fellow man. Dehumanizing the weakest and most vulnerable human beings and treating them as expendable for the sake of our own prosperity or convenience is not a strong foundation on which to build a culture that respects its fellow human beings. After all, if we can view the innocent child in the womb as an invader or an enemy, how much easier will it be to view others in society as our enemies?
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