A Birmingham, Alabama abortion clinic has closed its doors. The website of Birmingham Planned Parenthood reports that “[s]ervices at our Birmingham health center are temporarily slowed.” But whether the clinic will resume operations is in question. According to CEC For Life, Planned Parenthood Southeast has posted a sign saying, “We apologize for the inconvenience, but this facility is temporarily closed.” The Samford Crimson reports that the clinic has not set a date for reopening.
The director of Birmingham 40 Days for Life, Ed Carrick, stated that a permanent shutdown of the clinic would be an answer to prayer:
We’ve done numerous prayer campaigns outside of this facility. The goal of any 40 Days campaign is to arrive at the start date and have no abortion facility at which to hold your campaign. A final shutdown would not only be an answer to many years of dedicated prayer, it would be a miracle for the city. We give God the glory for every day Birmingham remains free of these clinics.