Human Rights

Black C-SPAN caller to abortion proponent: ‘Stop using us’ to promote the killing of our babies

population, Black, abortion, Planned Parenthood, eugenics

A woman called into C-SPAN last week during a discussion concerning the Texas Heartbeat Act and the future of abortion in the United States to say that as a Black woman, she disagrees with the pro-abortion agenda against poor women of color.

The episode of Washington Journal featured Nan Aron, president of the pro-abortion Alliance for Justice Action Campaign, and Charles Donovan, president of the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute. As they discussed the Texas Heartbeat Act, Aron said that the ramifications of the law “will fall heavily on Black women, Latinos, LGBTQ women, Indigenous women. This law is going to punish women at the margin without the finances to be able to get on a plane, drive a car, to get an abortion. It is that people — evil.”

A woman from Georgia named Sankofa called into C-SPAN to tell Aron that she had no business making such a statement.

“I’m a Black American,” she said. “I’m a descendent of the stolen Africans brought to this country against their will and forced into slavery. It’s so ironic. When you look at the argument during slavery — those that were for and those that were against — sounds just like the arguments making today for those that approve of abortion and those that are against abortion. Sounds ironically the same. And another thing that I wanted to say is that I do not like the bait and switch that’s used by Miss Nan and others like her to talk about what’s best for poor Black women as though the only thing that they care about poor Black women is whether they can kill their babies.”

Abortion advocates constantly use women of color and underprivileged women to make the case that abortion is necessary. Why is abortion most necessary for these women? The abortion industry has long masqueraded itself as a friend who will “help” the underprivileged out of difficult situations. But the only “help” they are willing to provide is by killing their children.

Onawu Pickett, who had two abortions, agrees with Sankofa. In an interview with Priests for Life in 2017, she said, “We have patterned ourselves by allowing The [Margaret] Sangers of the world to cheat us of our dignity and the right to life and family. The Proclamation of Emancipation was signed into effect January 1, 1863, by President Abraham Lincoln… but we are still in bondage to think we will never be any better. We must know that the abortion industry was designed to eradicate Black people as a race. Without our children we have no future. We are erasing our scientist[s], doctors, teachers, leaders and so forth.”

Sankofa also explained that poor women and women of color don’t want abortion but there are things that they do want — namely good lives for their children.

“I want to tell you, that as a poor Black woman myself, that there’s a lot of other things that we would like,” Sankofa explained. “Like we would like to be able to afford for our children the best education, to live in some of the best places, to be able to take our children on some very good vacations that rich white women get to do. Stop using us as a bait and switch message in order to put forth your ideas. And there’s a lot of us Black women out here that struggle every day to take care of our children that are against abortion. And I’ve had two children and I know when life is.”

Abortion enthusiasts consistently argue that certain women need abortion and that abortion should be free for them. Yet, the abortion industry doesn’t offer any actual help to lift women out of their difficult circumstances. Instead, they offer women abortion and send them back to those circumstances — an abusive spouse, homelessness, poverty, or educational struggle. But  killing the preborn babies of women of color and underprivileged women is not actually helping them to better their lives.

Pro-life groups, in contrast, offer resources and services free of charge to women and families who need help, including parenting classes, access to medical care and health insurance, baby gear, maternity clothing, diapers, financial assistance, and housing. What so many women actually want is a chance to succeed with their children, not on the backs of their dead children.


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