Brittany Maynard, a terminally ill 29-year-old who planned to end her life on November 1, has announced that she now plans to wait to see what happens. “It doesn’t seem like the right time right now,” she said in a new video.
Assisted suicide advocate organization Compassion and Choices released a second video (posted below) of Maynard yesterday, in which she discusses her latest decision regarding her death, and reveals that she does not feel this is the right time to die.
Brittany suffers from stage IV glioblastoma multiforme, a vicious form of brain cancer that led doctors to estimate that Maynard had less than six months to live…nearly eleven months ago. LifeNews’ Steven Ertelt postulates that Maynard may have been used by the assisted suicide movement to further its agenda of expanding access to life-ending prescriptions:
Although cancer patients and pro-life groups have tried to talk her out of the decision, it now appears Maynard may have either been used by assisted suicide advocates to promote their agenda or may have been a part of a plan working in concert with them to attempt to legalize assisted suicide in additional states.
Compassion and Choices created The Brittany Fund with the launch of Brittany’s first video. The Fund seeks the written support of one million people, as well as donations that will foot the bill for euthanasia lobbyists who seek to spread so-called “death with dignity” legislation across the country.
Yesterday’s video was a follow up to this viral video that introduced Brittany and propelled her story into the media.