“This baby is big enough to walk around with me or walk me to the bus stop.” – Kermit Gosnell
Abortionist Kermit Gosnell was the first abortionist convicted of murder. His 30-year killing spree inside his Philadelphia “House of Horrors” shook headlines after a routine drug bust revealed that Gosnell was killing infants and snipping the necks of babies born alive after abortions with scissors.
Five of the most serious charges against Gosnell stemmed from the deaths of four babies, born alive after attempted abortions, and from the death of Karnamaya Mongar, a woman who died from a drug overdose given to her during an abortion in Gosnell’s facility.
Now, a major motion picture, to be released on October 12, will detail the trial of America’s most prolific serial killer.
Baby A (named Adam) was the little boy made famous by cell phone photos taken of him by clinic workers after his death. He was a large baby – nearly 30 weeks’ gestation. This is the baby Gosnell was speaking of when he cruelly joked that “this baby is big enough to walk around with me or walk me to the bus stop.” Baby A was seen moving his tiny arms and legs after surviving the abortion, but his spinal cord was snipped and he was thrown into a shoe box that he wasn’t able to fit into because of his almost-newborn size.
Baby C (named Alex) was actually killed by Gosnell’s assistant, Lynda Williams, while Gosnell was in the room. Baby C was alive and obviously breathing for 20 minutes before his life was taken.
Baby D (named Chris) was killed by Adrienne Moton, another of Gosnell’s assistants. He trained his assistants to kill born-alive babies in the same manner he killed them – by snipping their spinal cords in a basic beheading. Baby D was the baby who was seem swimming in the toilet after being delivered there by his mother. His mother also witnessed his murder.
Baby E (named Andy), in whose death Gosnell was acquitted, is the baby who was heard making a cry or a whine after being born. His neck, too, was snipped with scissors.
As Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue states:
For the first time, America has gotten a long hard look at the horrors that go on inside abortion clinics. We see documentation of similar shoddy practices in other abortion clinics across our country. Gosnell is not alone by any means. Now it is time for America to do some real soul searching and decide whether the abortion cartel’s unaccountable and out-of-control abuses of vulnerable women are really how we want to treat each other. There are better ways to help women than to subject them to the kind of horrors found at abortion clinics in our nation. It’s time to end the inhumane and barbaric practice of abortion for good.