New Mexico Attorney General, Hector Balderas, has allowed seven more criminal claims to expire as the statute of limitations ends, according to New Mexico Alliance for Life (NMAFL). All of the charges stem from a congressional investigation into the likely illegal trafficking of aborted baby body parts between the University of New Mexico’s Health Science Center (UMN) and Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO), a late-term abortion center that works closely with UMN.
As Live Action News reported on Monday, NMAFL has already held a press conference requesting that a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate the criminal charges that Balderas has let expire without action.
The latest expiring charges, NMAFL notes in a press release today, involve the harvesting of eyes, brains, hearts and even skin from aborted infants 16 weeks gestation through 22 weeks. NMAFL’s Executive Director, Elisa Martinez, said:
This week, seven criminal claims expired due to the Attorney General’s inaction and refusal to indict these criminal offenses, totaling 90 criminal claims expired since he received a criminal referral from Congress a year ago. Women were taken advantage of and deceived so that UNM could get an endless selection of brains, eyes, hearts, livers and even skin to use for summer camp dissections and experimentation.
Extracting skin from aborted babies sounds more like a Nazi experiment rumor than a modern day medical procedure, yet UNM’s own procurement notebook, released by the congressional committee investigating the university show that it was all in a day’s work for researchers at UNM or their procurement technicians at the abortion facility. Procurement technicians locate, remove, and bring back the organs, legs, skin, eyeballs, head, or other body parts of aborted babies.
Martinez added:
The evidence is so overwhelming, that you have a Southwestern Women’s Options abortionist admit in congressional deposition, she never obtained consent for fetal tissue donation from women, nor was she familiar with the consent form allegedly used by her employer. This is a person who admits to violating criminal law in New Mexico. With such a glaring admission of guilt, it is irresponsible and unacceptable that the Attorney General has not issued an indictment.
Besides the obvious criminal issues and ramifications, Martinez notes that a woman who was not given a full disclosure of how her aborted baby was to be used might have made a different decision besides abortion, had she known the full scope of what was about to occur. Fully informing women of what happens to their babies after abortion sometimes enables women to realize the horror of abortion itself. She said:
Women whose babies’ skin was illegally harvested for UNM’s purposes, by law should have been informed of the nature of the research and its benefits — yet they were not informed, they were deceived. This is a serious violation.
Martinez continues, adding that she wonders how many women who had abortions at SWO might have chosen life had they not been deceived about the humanity of their babies. How ironic that the abortion facility tries to convince women their babies are not human, and yet UNM and SWO harvested parts of these dead babies solely because of their humanity, Martinez notes.
As NMAFL notes, these are potentially serious legal violations that appear to have gone on for years:
Under New Mexico law, NMSA 24:9 A 1-7, the Maternal Fetal and Infant Experimentation Act (MFIEA) requires a six-point consent process for fetal tissue donation, separate from the abortion procedure, which was not instituted by SWO for a decade or more. Additionally, the Jonathan Spradling Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act prohibits the donation of fetal tissue from abortions for research. “Systemic” violations of both laws were cited in the congressional committee’s referrals to the Attorney General.
NMAFL notes that the complaints which expire this week “are from seven different babies whose parts were harvested by UNM HSC staff from 6/5/14-6/6/14.” And NMAFL stands by its assertion that the continued expirations are deliberate, saying:
Balderas has allowed these claims to expire by failing to issue indictments in the face of evidence of violations of New Mexico statutes, but also failing to contact victims, including Jessica Duran. Requests by NMAFL’s Martinez to set up meetings between Jessica Duran and the Office of the Attorney General have postponed indefinitely by the Attorney General’s office.
As Martinez told Live Action News:
If Balderas was truly investigating the criminal referrals he received from Congress, then he would have contacted the parties involved here in New Mexico. We know that has yet to happen. In fact, when I personally attempted to set up meetings with his offices, myself, and Jessica Duran, our requests have been postponed indefinitely.
Ms. Duran’s medical records, affidavit, and lawsuit are the basis for the second criminal referral issued by Congress. The fact that Balderas’ office has yet to contact any of these parties indicates this is neither a thorough nor an urgent investigation, since it has been nearly a year that he received the first criminal referral, and each day that passes claims continue to expire under his watch.
And now seven more referrals are part of this lengthy expiration list. Martinez says Balderas is not doing his job for the people of New Mexico. She told Live Action News:
Balderas acts as if the abortionists, UNM officials, and staff are above the law — imagine if this was a drunk driving offender with 90 offenses he did not indict, but rather let the claims expire due to the statute of limitations. Hector Balderas is committing legal malpractice by allowing these claims to expire on a daily basis and showing he doesn’t care about New Mexico women, children, or families.
NMAFL has no intentions of backing away from the cases at hand, and will continue to seek justice on behalf of the women deceived and the babies killed so that the university and abortion center could harvest these tiny human beings for its research purposes.
Martinez is asking the public to consider chiming in as well:
We encourage people to contact the NM Attorney General’s office and tell him to issue an indictment on the congressional criminal referrals now that 90 claims have expired or name a special prosecutor now.
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