
Breaking the cycle of abortion: Anna’s story

It’s time for a change.

Editor’s Note: This story was first published by Online for Life on September 27, 2012, and is reprinted with permission. To find out more about Online for Life or to join them in their work, see Lauren Enriquez’s article, “Online for Life: Saving babies one internet search at a time.”

by T. Swanson

Sometimes winning the battle for the unborn means helping women break the cycle of multiple abortions.

And breaking that cycle means empowering the mother to make a different choice.

Although living under the regret and shame commonly associated with women who have aborted their children, Anna could not imagine having a baby at this time in her life.  Like most single moms, she struggled to raise her three-year-old daughter.  Anna had chosen to abort her second child and she was certain she couldn’t handle a third pregnancy.

So Anna did what many women do – she went online to find an abortion provider.  Online for Life was there, and offered her the option to connect with a life-affirming center instead.  She called, talked with a counselor, and decided to visit the center so she could clear her head.

The very same day that she walked through the doors of our life-affirming affiliate in Texas, Anna started her dream job.  She had worked hard to land this new opportunity.  The job was another reason she couldn’t be a mom.

The situation was even more challenging because she did not have the support of the baby’s father. The odds seemed stacked against her.

But, the counselor tenderly talked with Anna about the pain caused by her previous abortion.  They walked through some tough moments in Anna’s life together, and Anna realized that she could find healing and peace.  She also realized that her previous abortion had had a painful impact on her, and she didn’t want to go through that again.

Instead, she began to embrace the idea of a second child, realizing there were people in her area that would help her succeed as a mom and in life. The counselor presented her with options – real options – that would protect Anna emotionally, while also protecting the life of her baby.

Knowing that she could not withstand the emotional turmoil of another abortion, Anna went home that day resolute on protecting the life within her.  At just 6 weeks pregnant, Anna chose life!

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