Human Interest

Former teen mom Bristol Palin: No matter what your past decisions, there is ‘light at the end of every single tunnel’

Bristol Palin

Bristol Palin, daughter of Sarah Palin and Teen Mom OG star, recently shared some words of hope with her Instagram followers.

In a post last week marking one year since Palin’s divorce from Dakota Meyer — a former Marine and father of the couple’s two children, three-year-old Sailor and two-year-old Atlee — Palin described her divorce as “hitting rock bottom.” But there is hope, she said. “No matter what life throws your way, know that there is light at the end of every single tunnel, and the sun will always rise. God has a plan over all of our lives, and hitting rock bottom – like a year ago felt for me – is undoubtably [sic], an opportunity to be rebuilt better than before.” The photo on her Instagram post showed her and her three children — her two from Meyer as well as her oldest son from a previous relationship with Levi Johnston — in a field of wildflowers.


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you guys, been a YEAR this month since the BIGG DDDDD, and those divorce papers were officially signed ?.. sometimes it’s hard to not feel like a complete loser with having another scarlet letter plastered to your forehead.. (add that to getting knocked up at 17 + two baby daddies.. just rackin’ those letters up y’all ??) in all seriousness though – no matter what life throws your way, know that there is light at the end of every single tunnel, and the sun will always rise. God has a plan over all of our lives, and hitting rock bottom – like a year ago felt for me – is undoubtably, an opportunity to be rebuilt better than before. the second you stop stressing, or complaining, about what’s thrown at you, and dig into God’s word and promises over us all – is when you can experience real peace and complete clarity on life. I won’t pretend this hasn’t been a humbling process, but dang.. if God can guide ME beside those quite waters, and refresh MY undeserving soul – I know He can guide you there too ?

A post shared by Bristol Palin (@bsmp2) on

Palin is probably best known as a subject of ridicule, from being the daughter of 2008 conservative Vice Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin. Thrust into the national media spotlight as a 17-year-old pregnant teenager, many people called for her to abort her son, and claimed the reason she did not was because of her mother’s political ambitions. After her relationship with Johnston failed, Palin met and became engaged to Dakota Meyer, a Medal of Honor recipient.

Prior to their marriage and while working with a charity focused on teen pregnancy, she announced her pregnancy with her second child, the first with Meyer. “None of us are perfect. I made a mistake,” she wrote in a Patheos blog post at the time. Although it would have been easy to abort her baby and stay out of the public spotlight, she chose life knowing what the public’s reaction would be. “This is not the ideal situation, but life is important even if it’s not in the most absolute ideal circumstance. This is more confirmation on what I’ve always stood for. I’ve always been pro-life and I am standing for life now.”

READ: Salon trashes Bristol Palin for speaking out against IUDs for 10-year-olds

She later married Meyer. Later, she gave birth to Atlee Meyer, and shortly thereafter, her marriage to Meyer fell apart. After media speculation about their relationship, she confirmed the divorce in August of last year after less than two years of marriage.

Palin referred to her past in her post. “Sometimes it’s hard to not feel like a complete loser with having another scarlet letter plastered to your forehead.. (add that to getting knocked up at 17 + two baby daddies.. just rackin’ those letters up y’all ??).” But Palin has found solace in her faith, and she told her followers that if she could find respite, so, too, can they.

Despite her struggles, Palin has a hopeful message for all who find themselves in less-than-ideal circumstances, who choose life in the face of very, very public ridicule. Her past mistakes do not define her, even if people remind her of them every day.

“The second you stop stressing, or complaining, about what’s thrown at you, and dig into God’s word and promises over us all – is when you can experience real peace and complete clarity on life.”

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