California is a pro-abortion dream and a preborn baby’s nightmare. Now the Golden State wants to force Pregnancy Care Centers (PCCs) to advertise abortion.
AB 775 will have its first hearing Tuesday, April 14, in the California Assembly Health Committee. Dubbed by some as the “Bully Bill,” the proposed measure would require that even faith-based, non-state funded PCCs offer abortion as an option to pregnant women.
The California Family Alliance (CFA) reports:
“California’s grisly abortion industry is in the midst of a government-sponsored boon. In 2013, the state waived safety regulations for abortion clinics (AB 980) and reduced the medical standards required to perform abortions by allowing certain nurses to do the surgeries (AB 154). And last year, the California Department of Health cut all medical reimbursements by 10 percent while increasing taxpayer funding of abortions providers by 40 percent.
But abortion profiteers like Planned Parenthood and NARAL are still not content with state taxpayers as their sugar daddy. They are now pushing new discriminatory regulations….”
Discrimination is the correct word for this bill, which would use a guise of “choice” by compelling those who have deeply-held moral and religious views to offer killing as a choice.
CFA says, “Abortion extremists actively lobby for access to abortion under the guise of reproductive health, yet work overtime to try to block anyone who supports the health of the unborn.”
A web page launched in opposition of AB 775, called “Stop the Bully Bill,” notes ” AB 775 singles out some licensed covered facilities who are offering pregnant women alternatives to abortion by requiring compelled speech which is a violation of the non-discrimination rights in California.”
The idea that the abortion industry can regulate the free speech of those opposed to it, and use the law to do so, is troubling. The bill has the potential to violate the free speech of many, while, promoting abortion on every path a woman in crisis may walk. The word choice, then, becomes doublespeak for “all paths lead to promoting abortion.”
Pro-lifers in California are being asked to take action immediately and oppose this bill. The bill’s first stop is in the Assembly Health Committee Tuesday. Pro-lifers may contact all the members of that committee via this link.
The text of the bill is available here.