Operation Rescue is reporting that FPA Women’s Health abortion facility in Bakersfield, California, has injured another woman. This time, the injury was inflicted by abortionist Gorli Harish, who has a history of malpractice suits. This woman is the 20th patient in six years to suffer major injuries at FPA Women’s Health.
Pro-life activists Tim and Terri Palmquist were present at FPA Women’s Health on the morning of January 30, 2019, and witnessed a young woman arrive with her mother. The couple offered the pair practical help, but the women ignored them. Later in the day, an ambulance drove up to the building, taking the young woman out of the building on a gurney. The Palmquists went to Adventist Health Hospital and watched as the woman was taken into the emergency room with her mother nearby.
According to Operation Rescue, Harish formerly aborted preborn babies in West Virginia in his Kanawha Surgi-Center, which is now closed. During his time at that facility, there were three disciplinary actions taken against him, as well as 13 medical malpractice suits. He settled 12 of those. In 1993, after three women filed lawsuits against him, the West Virginia Board of Medicine ordered Harish to participate in a “mini-residency” to learn how to properly keep medical records and submit peer reviews.
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In 1996, Harish surrendered his medical license and signed himself into an alcohol rehab center. Just five months after that, the Board of Medicine reinstated his medical license and he was placed on probation for two years. He was also told to meet with an addiction recovery monitor and take part in Alcoholics Anonymous. That same year he was fined nearly $5,000 for lying about how many hours he completed of his Continuing Medical Education requirements. He was supposed to fulfill 50 hours but only completed one hour and 15 minutes.
However, according to Operation Rescue, Harish hasn’t been the only problem for FPA Women’s Health. Over the last six years, 20 patients have been seriously injured there by various abortionists. Alexander Simopoulos, known as the “Playboy Abortionist” once committed abortions at this location. Women have called him “Dr. Freak,” “creepy,” “gross,” and warned others to stay away. Donald Clyde Willis was also an FPA abortionist. He had been placed in psychiatric care after a failed suicide attempt. When released, he focused his career on abortion and has many restrictions on his medical license.
In October 2017, Willis perforated the uterus of a 23-year-old woman during an abortion. She went into cardiac arrest and required an emergency hysterectomy. She was the sixth woman injured at FPA Women’s Health in 2017.
Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, is calling for FPA Women’s Health to be shut down.
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