What happens if you decide that you want to get plastic surgery? It’s a completely unnecessary medical procedure for most people, but it’s still a serious one with some risks. Therefore, it is required that a doctor perform the surgery.
Now, let’s say that a committee decided to change the wording around so that it isn’t considered surgery anymore, so that it would be possible for nurses and nurse practitioners to do the procedures instead. People would be outraged, right? After all, who would want to let someone who isn’t a doctor perform a major medical procedure?
Well, in California, a bill was presented that will do just that for women seeking abortions. And yesterday, the Democratic members of a state Senate committee voted to approve that bill. It now moves on to the state’s Senate Business and Professions Committee, where a vote will be held Thursday.
SB 1338 would re-classify abortion procedures such as vacuum aspiration and D&Cs as “non-surgical” abortions, allowing nurses, nurse practitioners, and midwives to perform them. Doctors would no longer be required. The people who perform the abortions would be required to be “licensed professionals,” but the pilot program this is based on used medical workers with little to no surgical experience, who trained for about a week.
Would you want someone with a week’s worth of medical training performing a potentially dangerous procedure on you? Even the California Nurses Association — a pro-abortion organization — is against this bill.
While abortions may be “safe” most of the time, like any other medical procedure, they aren’t perfect. There is always a risk, and women are occasionally injured or killed after having an abortion. However rare that incidence may be, it is for those reasons that a doctor needs to be present during an abortion. If the procedure takes a turn for the worst (aside from the obvious killing of a child part), then there needs to be a physician present who can handle the emergency.
It says a lot about the abortion industry, as well as those who support it, that they are actively trying to lower the standard of care for women.