If you’re not already following The College Fix, run by author and Yale alum Nathan Harden, you should be. It exposes the depraved, anti-woman atmosphere that dominates too many campuses.
Nathan Harden.
I interviewed Harden last year, after the debut of his book, Sex and God at Yale: Porn, Political Correctness, and a Good Education Gone Bad. An entire section of Harden’s book is titled “Yale’s War on Women.”
He exposed how Yale women are constantly degraded on campus. They are valued for their looks, bodies, and sexual prowess – not their minds. They are often required to watch hardcore porn in class and encouraged to participate in “porn star lookalike” contests during “Sex Week,” the biggest event of the year. Yale has made headlines for a string of incidents involving fraternities, in which young men marched around campus chanting, “No means yes, yes means anal” and carried signs declaring, “We love Yale sluts.” This hostile, threatening environment eventually brought Yale under federal investigation for gender discrimination.
Now Nathan manages The College Fix, which reports on all universities, not just Yale. His group of campus reporters has uncovered a real war on women – and it’s being waged by sexual liberationists who control the academy.
A few weeks ago, The College Fix broke a story about a Pasadena College class “devoted entirely to porn. Students are actually assigned to watch porn as part of the class homework.”
The most revealing quote was from a female student, who admitted to being uncomfortable with porn before being groomed to accept it as normal: “My view of pornography before taking this class was more the traditional view that it was not meant for me, as a woman… After, or in the midst of taking this class, I’ve become much more accepting of it and understanding of it.”
This woman probably felt that porn was “not meant for her” for a good reason. As The College Fix notes, the scenes shown in class included women being called “b—-,” “whore,” and worse.
Is it any surprise that cases of sexual misconduct on campuses have reached an all-time high?
“We have seen an increase in the number of high-profile cases of sexual assault and harassment on college campuses,” Nathan told me during our interview. “Unfortunately, many on the academic left who bemoan the hostile sexual environment on our campuses are the same people who have done the most to create that hostile environment. They have embraced moral relativism. They have told students that their sex lives should be considered free of moral consequence, so long as everything is ‘consensual.’”
But in an environment like this, the boundaries of consent begin to break down. Students – who face enormous peer pressure to participate in this free-for-all – have trouble saying “no” when they want to. Other students simply don’t respect a “no.”
Needless to say, students are also indoctrinated to accept abortion as “no big deal.” In 2008, a Yale student named Aliza Shvarts became pregnant several times, self-aborted with herbs, collected the bloody results in a jar, and called it “performance art.” Yale and Shvarts issued long-winded, pseudo-intellectual defenses of this “art,” which Shvarts later claimed was a hoax. To me, the project had an obvious goal: to trivialize abortion.
And they say conservatives and Republicans are the ones waging a “war on women”! In reality, your chances of being sexually harassed and degraded are much higher on a college campus than at, say, the Values Voters Summit.
“Most universities today are run by leftist ideologues and free-love social revolutionaries left over from the sixties,” Nathan told me. “The hyper-sexual culture has led to a me-first brand of sexuality, where the feelings, the well-being, and even the consent of others is disregarded in an all-out pursuit of getting ‘what I want, when I want it.’”
This is bad news for women, and it’s got to stop.
To read more and support Harden’s work, visit TheCollegeFix.com.