
Canada’s 2021 March for Life to focus on protecting those targeted by abortion and assisted suicide

Canada March for Life

Canada’s 24th annual National March for Life, organized by Campaign Life Coalition, will be held in person in Ottawa and online on Thursday, May 13, 2021. This year’s theme, “You Are Not Alone,” reflects support for and solidarity with three particular people groups: preborn children, their abortion-vulnerable mothers, as well as senior citizens, the disabled, the mentally ill, and others who are targeted by Canada’s assisted suicide movement.

The March website shares sobering statistics on both abortions and assisted suicide in the country.

“Each year, a culture of fear, loneliness and abandonment is resulting in the death of thousands of Canadians through abortion or lethal injection. Each day, 300 Canadian women undergo an abortion, where her baby’s body is ripped from the womb in a brutal procedure.  That same day more than 15 vulnerable Canadians will be killed by a doctor under the deceptive euphemism known as Medical Aid in Dying.”

The website states, “Many believe these insidious acts are being carried out in the name of ‘choice’. The real reason is ‘fear’ and a government obsessed with promoting a culture of death.”

The March emphasizes that “Pregnancy is a Gift, Not a Disease,” underscoring the idea that abortion does not constitute an essential medical service. As Live Action has noted, taking the life of a preborn child by abortion is not medically necessary. The March advocates against sex-selective abortions, which it says 84% of Canadians oppose, and states that the current funding of private abortion businesses with taxpayer money violates Canadian law “which forbids the government from funding abortions outside of approved public hospitals.”

READ: People with disabilities speak out against assisted suicide expansion in Canada

The March encourages pro-life advocacy, directing participants to groups such as Choice 42, the Sisters of Life40 Days for Life, and Life Chain. It also encouraged advocacy opposing euthanasia and assisted suicide.

Canada’s assisted suicide lobby has gained notable momentum in the country in recent years, as evident in the country’s recently passed Bill C-7. The March notes that “when euthanasia was legalized under the guise of ‘medical aid in dying’ (MAiD) in June 2016, it was inconceivable that in less than 5 years Canada would expand euthanasia to people with mental illness alone and yet Bill C-7 passed on March 15 (of this year) with that provision.” The country is also reportedly moving toward “child euthanasia, euthanasia for (legally) incompetent people who requested it in their advance directive” as well as “protocols for killing people with mental illness by euthanasia.”

In addition to the physical march and rally that will take place in person on May 13 with a virtual attendance option through the March’s YouTube page, a Candlelight Vigil will be held the night before and Catholic Masses for Life will be offered throughout Canada from May 10-14. An online Youth Conference will be held on May 14.

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