
April 13: Pro-lifers to gather at Planned Parenthoods nationwide for candlelight vigils

prayer Planned Parenthood vigil murder

On April 13th, 155 prayerful candlelight vigils will be held at Planned Parenthood facilities in 40 states in the U.S. in response to the pro-life film “Unplanned,” a telling of the pro-life conversion story of former Planned Parenthood facility director Abby Johnson.

The primary sponsors for the event are Citizens for a Pro-life Society, Created Equal, and the Pro-Life Action League, a coalition under the name #ProtestPP. There are more than 80 pro-life groups co-sponsoring the peaceful events. The group’s website states that this will be the 4th annual Nationwide Day of Prayer and Protest Against Planned Parenthood. A How To page lists everything participants will need to know about the basics of a candlelight vigil, pro-life signs, and more.

Created Equal’s Mark Harrington told Life Site News that the event is an opportunity for many pro-lifers who are newly motivated to become active in the fight against abortion since seeing the “Unplanned” movie to come together with others in their area to make a difference. “Unplanned has become a call to action for the pro-life movement,” Harrington said. “Thousands have been inspired by this movie to get actively involved in the pro-life movement for the first time. Saturday’s Nationwide Candlelight Vigil will be the critical first step for many of these new pro-life activists — including a new group of first-time leaders.”

READ: Thousands gather for Day of Mourning in protest of New York abortion law

Eric Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League noted, “The pro-life community nationwide is responding to the pain and suffering of abortion by turning to prayer.”

Planned Parenthood claims that only 3% of its total yearly services are abortion. However, this statistic has been debunked, and was even called “misleading” by the Washington Post. Even when Planned Parenthood’s abortions increase by the thousands each year, the abortion corporation still makes the same false 3% claim to make it appear that it is not abortion-focused. However, the fact is that this corporation holds 35% of the abortion market in the United States and committed more than 330,000 abortions in its latest reported year. In addition, its new president, Leana Wen, has called abortion Planned Parenthood’s “core mission.” On top of all this, its non-abortion related services continue to plummet.

Click here to find a candlelight vigil location near you.

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