It’s always been obvious that Planned Parenthood’s new and improved slogan, “Care. No matter what.” didn’t apply to all human beings. (Who could claim that sucking a baby’s spine from his body, ripping her limbs apart, stabbing poison into his heart, or ending her life in other violent ways is “caring”?)
But, it’s becoming ever more obvious that America’s abortion giant doesn’t care about helpless, vulnerable women either.
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains is being sued for performing an abortion on a 13-year-old girl, R.Z., and then returning her to her rapist.
The suit was filed on June 20, 2014, in Denver District Court. The entire complaint can be viewed here.

Hmm…maybe the abortion giant should take its own advice and “act” on saving minor girls from their rapists.
This is the same Planned Parenthood branch that is also being sued for performing a forced – and botched – abortion on Ayanna Byer at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood. Here’s what happened to Ms. Byer:
At this time, Plaintiff immediately told the Planned Parenthood Doctor to stop and that she did not want to go through with the abortion procedure because she had not received any anesthetic. Plaintiff also informed Planned Parenthood Doctor and agents or employees of Planned Parenthood Defendants that she believed this to be a sign she should not go through with the abortion. The Planned Parenthood Doctor did not stop despite Plaintiff’s request, and assured Plaintiff the I.V. would be administered and the procedure would only take a few minutes.
At this time, the Planned Parenthood Doctor turned on the vacuum machines and told Plaintiff it was too late to stop.
Care. No matter what. Right?
Well, unless the woman tells you she’s changed her mind and no longer wants an abortion. Then, the only thing Planned Parenthood cares about is getting the abortion done as fast as possible.
It would be easy to wonder whether Planned Parenthood purposely botched Ayanna Byer’s abortion as a way to punish her for trying to stop it in the first place. Why was enough of the abortion completed to kill the baby, but also enough of the baby left inside of Ms. Byer to ensure that she had life-threatening complications? Why was the Planned Parenthood doctor accused of “abandoning his patient” by the emergency room doctor who treated Ms. Byer?
Care. No matter what?
And what about little R.Z. – the 13-year-old girl who Planned Parenthood performed an abortion on? While her stepfather (also her rapist) wrote that he was her father on R.Z.’s paperwork before the abortion, Planned Parenthood staff members heard R.Z. calling him by his first name.
Did they “care” enough to ask R.Z. if this man was really her dad? No.
Did they “care” enough to ask R.Z. if she would like her mother to be with her, as her stepfather left to get lunch and didn’t even come into the clinic to get her after the abortion? No.
Did they “care” enough to ask R.Z. any questions that would help determine if she had been sexually abused or raped, since she was only 13? No.
Did they “care” enough to follow Colorado reporting requirements for the sexual abuse and rape of a minor? No. They couldn’t bother themselves to find out the facts.
All Planned Parenthood cared about was killing R.Z.’s child. No care was shown to R.Z. herself. She was a vulnerable, helpless, pregnant child – and Planned Parenthood couldn’t have cared less.
The abortion giant’s grand lack of care led to the death of an innocent baby and the return of a 13-year-old girl to her rapist. She continued to be abused for months after the abortion, when she finally worked up the courage to tell her mother what was happening.
Her stepfather has pled guilty to his crimes against R.Z. Now, it’s Planned Parenthood’s turn to pay, under the law, for what they did to a helpless girl who they were in a perfect position to rescue.
“Care. No matter what.” couldn’t be more different from Planned Parenthood’s real behavior.