In early March of 2021, a group of individuals committed to saving the lives of preborn children visited the Carafem abortion facility...
On September 28, a group of pro-abortion women firebombed and attempted to burn down the doors of the Catholic Primatial Cathedral in Bogotá,...
Making Des Moines, Iowa, an “abortion sanctuary city” was City Councilman Josh Mandelbaum’s plan when, through the media, he introduced a resolution that...
As Scottish lawmakers attempt to implement a law that would limit pro-life activity outside abortion facilities, the organization 40 Days for Life...
(Liberty Counsel) Judge Christopher Hite of the Superior Court of San Francisco County held a status conference today regarding Liberty Counsel’s request for...
Abortion regret and trauma are real — and these women want you to know the truth. That’s the key message behind Live...
A pro-life sidewalk advocate who spends hours praying before a Minnesota Planned Parenthood was recently questioned by two FBI agents, further contributing...
UPDATE, 10/1/22: Richard Harvey has finally been charged for shooting Joan Jacobson. Prosecutors charged Harvey with one count each of assault with...
Pro-life college students involved with Students of Life for America (SFLA) were assaulted recently at the University of Missouri, where a student...
UPDATE, 9/27/22: Life Site News reports new findings revealing that the Planned Parenthood abortion patient escort known as “B.L.” in court documents “was...
Update 10/6/22: The pro-abortion student who threw urine and pro-life students at the College of William & Mary in Virginia has been...
Live Action held its third annual Life Awards Gala on September 17 in Dana Point, California. Chaired by Live Action founder and...
Bo Linam is the founder of Hope Beyond Abortion, an organization with a vision of “educat[ing], equip[ping], and empower[ing] churches everywhere for...
Weeks after the Colorado baseball team The Rocky Mountain Vibes canceled its Family Night sponsored by two pro-life organizations, those organizations have...