At Heartbeat International’s Annual Conference on Wednesday, the first Unplanned Movie Scholarship was awarded to a young mother who is attending college...
Pro-life activist Sandra Merritt, who was instrumental in exposing Planned Parenthood’s role in the trafficking of aborted baby body parts in a...
UPDATE, 4/23/20: According to an email from the Thomas More Society (TMS), the city of Hagerstown will now allow Maryland citizens to...
The abortion industry has begun to exploit the fears many pregnant women are facing amid the coronavirus pandemic. As women deal with...
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, which is a campaign to raise awareness about sexual assault and sexual violence. Marches, events, and...
The city of San Francisco will now allow pro-life activists to remain present outside of abortion facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic, helping...
Three heavily redacted, previously sealed invoices from July, August, and September of 2012 have just been unsealed, and one thing is clear:...
A pro-life group in Columbia, South Carolina, has received an exemption from the state’s stay at home order, meaning the group can...
April is National Volunteer Month, but it’s a tough time to be out in the world volunteering, especially if you are at...
(Students for Life) The village of Cimarron in New Mexico joins 5 other New Mexico cities in declaring itself pro-life. The resolution also...
On Palm Sunday, the Trust Women Wichita abortion business committed about 40 abortions, according to pro-life watchdog group Operation Rescue. One patient,...
Update 4/23/2020: 40 Days for Life has announced the new total of preborn babies saved from abortion during the Spring 2020 campaign,...
Jack Dorsey, CEO and co-founder of Twitter, has announced that he is investing $1 billion of his own personal money towards the...
(Pregnancy Help News) In the weeks since the start of the current virus pandemic, God has been doing what He always does –...