On October 8th, Created Equal released an incredible new video showing how the work pro-lifers do on the sidewalks of abortion facilities...
The Planned Parenthood v. The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) civil case continued on Tuesday with CMP’s undercover team member Adrian Lopez...
Live Action has been on the front lines of the battle to end abortion for years, with full knowledge that stopping abortion...
The civil trial for the lawsuit filed by Planned Parenthood against The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) got underway Thursday in San...
Thursday, September 26, 2019, marked an important hearing in an ongoing legal case with implications for sidewalk counselors nationwide. The People vs. Griepp...
While the Supreme Court doesn’t publicly open its doors until next week, today it began meeting behind closed doors, and there were...
Abortion advocates attempted to burn down the Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral along with a government building on Saturday during a protest organized...
(Pregnancy Help News) “We trust in God and we cherish the dignity of every human life.” These are the words that President Donald Trump...
Several videos shared with Life News show abortion facility escorts repeatedly assaulting, threatening, and taunting pro-life activists, in another sign of increasing...
An estimated 50,000 pro-life Slovakians marched in the capitol city, Bratislava, on Sunday. Parliament will take up the issue of further abortion...
The Fall 2019 40 Days for Life campaign kicked off on Wednesday in cities around the world. Since 40 Days for Life...
Abortionist and serial killer Kermit Gosnell is infamous for preying on women in a house of horrors in Philadelphia. His abortion facility...
A pro-life event in Minnesota had to be evacuated after a protester left a homemade “stink bomb” which caused the people around...
Looking to change hearts and minds through person-to-person contact, Students for Life of America has launched a nationwide TALK Campaign with the...