It can be difficult to be a pro-life high school or college student, especially on a campus that tends to lean toward...
On April 13th, 155 prayerful candlelight vigils will be held at Planned Parenthood facilities in 40 states in the U.S. in response...
Planned Parenthood’s efforts to normalize abortion have reached all the way to billboards, and Iowa’s pro-lifers aren’t having it. That’s why Iowans...
Professor and minister Dr. James White, founder of the apologetics (defense of the Christian faith) organization Alpha and Omega Ministries based in...
(The Writing on the Wall) Tuesday, April 2, it snowed as I headed out to the abortion center sidewalk to speak for the...
On Wednesday, thousands of pro-life Virginians gathered in front of the capitol in Richmond. Virginia’s first-ever March for Life was inspired in...
Last month, pro-lifer Jamie Forbes made an undercover phone call to prove how easy it is to schedule a late-term abortion for...
UPDATE, 4/3/19, 10:59p EST: Secular Pro-Life reports that SB 24 unfortunately passed the committee and now moves to the education committee: ...
The Supreme Court has declined to hear an appeal from The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) seeking to throw out a Planned...
Life Legal Defense Foundation (LLDF) has shared a video and report of an elderly pro-life man who was assaulted while praying during...
After pro-abortion men hijacked the women’s movement and merged it with the sexual revolution, women who held a view that life is...
The Students for Life chapter at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor set up a pro-life display in remembrance of lives lost...
On Saturday, March 23, millions of pro-life Argentinians are expected to march in defense of the preborn. After pro-abortion legislation was narrowly...
On Wednesday, more than 4,000 pro-life citizens gathered in the Illinois Capitol Rotunda to protest two radical pro-abortion bills currently pending in...