Actress Joan Collins has shared more information about the abortion she had when she was 26 years old. On the June 20,...
(National Review) During last week’s General Assembly meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), the bishops voted 168 to 55 to...
Planned Parenthood’s latest and most creative marketing strategy seems to be ‘canceling’ its own founder, Margaret Sanger. Despite attempts to put distance...
Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) re-introduced the so-called Women’s Health Protection Act this month, aiming to ensure abortion remains legal throughout the United...
The abortion industry has a vested interest in promoting abortions as empowering for women, which means downplaying the effect it has afterward....
Meghan McCain, co-host of ABC’s The View, said on Monday that she believes President Biden is walking a “very fine line” between...
The European Union (EU) Parliament is set to vote on a resolution that calls for enshrining abortion as a fundamental right and...
As the New Hampshire legislature considers a bill that would ban abortion after 24 weeks of pregnancy, Planned Parenthood and its allies...
An Illinois mother took her local school board to task over their apparent acceptance of the state’s recently passed “comprehensive sex education”...
The Catholic bishops of the United States voted on Friday to draft a statement on the Eucharist (Holy Communion) and whether or...
Parents in Tacoma, Washington, are reportedly furious after a Planned Parenthood flyer promoting sex among pre-teen children was distributed at Stewart Middle...
LeRoy Carhart, the notorious late-term abortionist who has caused the deaths of at least two women and injured many more, has injured...
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) both refused to answer questions about whether a preborn child at 15...
Earlier this month, President Joe Biden released his budget proposal for fiscal year 2022, and as expected, it excluded the Hyde Amendment...