What happens when abortion supporters are confronted with the truth about what abortion actually is? Several pro-life videos that have gone viral over social...
In an article published in USA Today, lawyer and opinion commentator Thomas Wheatley argues that men must be held accountable, not only...
Abortion advocates have frequently claimed abortion should be “between a woman and her doctor.” But pro-lifers have pointed out on multiple occasions...
For most patients, a DNR — or a “do not resuscitate” order — is an advanced directive, letting medical professionals know not...
Though assisted suicide continues to gain in popularity, becoming legal in more and more states, the American Medical Association (AMA) refused to...
Surrogate parenting is not a new concept for those who want to be parents. Infertile couples have been using surrogacy for decades...
In light of recent abortion restrictions passed by several states, Teen Vogue, who frequently pushes abortion on young girls, published a piece...
In response to Alabama’s new heartbeat law, which bans abortion after a preborn child’s heartbeat can be detected, and similar laws recently...
Last month, abortion activists remembered the anniversary of the murder of George Tiller, one of the few abortionists willing to commit late-term...
Yesterday Pinterest permanently blocked pro-life group Live Action from their platform after a whistleblower revealed the social site was censoring the pro-life...
And Then There Were None, a pro-life organization that helps abortion workers leave the industry, sponsored a webcast in which former workers revealed...
The founder and CEO of a popular “sugar daddy” website has offered to pay for women to receive out-of-state abortions if they...
A feminist publishing company called Verso Books tweeted a video of activist Sophie Lewis defending abortion. In the short video, Lewis admits...
Earlier today, it was revealed that Pinterest, a popular social media company, had chosen to block Live Action’s content using a “porn blocklist.”...