Currently, a grief-stricken orca mother is in the news. The aquatic mammal has spent weeks dragging a dead calf through the ocean...
As Live Action News previously noted, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) is not neutral; it is pro-abortion. Now, a...
If you ever had any doubts about how closely tied Planned Parenthood is to abortion, doubt no longer. The organization has just...
In light of the conversation around Roe v. Wade — which overruled all state laws restricting abortion in 1973 — the abortion industry and...
Half of all U.S. abortions are repeat abortions, according a report published by the Tara Health Foundation (TARA), whose stated goal is to...
Hellen Pendley, who worked in an abortion facility in Georgia, told her story at a conference called “Meet the Abortion Providers,” sponsored by the...
As America has become increasingly pro-life, many families have invested in giving orphans — especially those from oppressive nations or who would...
When Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers tell women abortions are “safe,” not only do they discount medical tragedies, but they also...
The pro-abortion media has been attacking the abortion pill reversal process — which has saved hundred of preborn children’s lives — for...
The idea of getting an abortion is, understandably, scary for many women. And of course, the abortion industry and its friends want...
Can abortion negatively affect future pregnancies or possibly even contribute to infertility? Conflicting claims abound. While some, like one author at, believe any...
At a conference called “Abortion: The Inside Story” sponsored by The Pro-Life Action League, former abortion worker Hellen Pendley spoke about her...
Live Action News has previously documented that later abortions are much more common than the public is led to believe. Now, a Live...
Predictions are high for the overturn of Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 case that required all 50 states to allow abortion on...